March Of The Necrophiliacs

‘Sexual depravity’ of penguins that Antarctic scientist dared not reveal Landmark polar research about the Adelie penguin’s sex life by Captain Scott’s expedition, deemed too shocking for the public 100 years ago, is unearthed at the Natural History Museum

It was the sight of a young male Adélie penguin attempting to have sex with a dead female that particularly unnerved George Murray Levick, a scientist with the 1910-13 Scott Antarctic Expedition. No such observation had ever been recorded before, as far as he knew, and Levick, a typical Edwardian Englishman, was horrified. Blizzards and freezing cold were one thing. Penguin perversion was another.  Worse was to come, however. Levick spent the Antarctic summer of 1911-12 observing the colony of Adélies at Cape Adare, making him the only scientist to this day to have studied an entire breeding cycle there. During that time, he witnessed males having sex with other males and also with dead females, including several that had died the previous year. He also saw them sexually coerce females and chicks and occasionally kill them.

‘Sexual depravity’ of penguins that Antarctic scientist dared not reveal | World news | The Observer

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to March Of The Necrophiliacs

  1. omnologos says:

    Funny that! Adélie News recently honked about sexual depravity in humans, including…

  2. Well, now I ‘ve heard that the evidence that pengies engage in buggery is proof that it’s natural and good to bugger. I guess this is proof positive that rape, pædophilia, & necrophilia are also natural, and thus good. Who knew?

  3. Andy DC says:

    Those nasty, little beasts! It would appear that nature is not always wonderful and wholesome, also that humans are not the only perverts in the world.

    The same people who gave us “Wild Kingdom” should run another nature series called “LGBT Animals”.

  4. tckev says:

    Eeeeerrrr! It’s unnatural, err no it’s bestial, err no it’s, it’s…unspeakably rude!

  5. Billy Liar says:

    This penguin’s dead.

    No it’s not, it’s just waiting for sex …

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