May 1934 Temperature Reached 111 F In Iowa

Utter BS. In 1934, Iowa hit 111 degrees – at the end of May!

1934: What would become one of the hottest summers on record in Iowa began to intensify as a heat wave in the last three days of May resulted in nearly every location in the state exceeding 100 F on at least one of those three days. The heat wave peaked on the 30th when the temperature soared to as high as 111 F near Inwood which is the highest temperature ever recorded in Iowa in May. Other high temperatures on the 30th included 110 F at Boone, 109 F at Logan and Spencer, 108 F at Le Mars, and 107 F at Storm Lake. Des Moines and Sioux City also set their respective May records as both reached a high of 105 F.

May 30

The thought process for alarmists is : “It is hot today where I live. CO2 traps heat. The hot weather must be due to CO2.” If someone told them that CO2 turned them into a newt, they would probably believe that too.

h/t to Andy DC

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to May 1934 Temperature Reached 111 F In Iowa

  1. Brian says:

    Has this guy done this when any weather event has happened? I’ve been here for about a year and I discovered this blog and Thinkprogress about the same time. Has Joe being doing this year after year?

  2. Shooter says:

    We have a heat wave here in Canada, yet we do not speak of “Global Warming”. Perhaps because nearly half of our population does not agree with the “consensus”, unlike our sister to the south. Also, we Canadians want the warmth! I’d rather have a -20 Celsius winter than a -40 one!

  3. Vern Cornell says:

    I was there in that late May…
    It was hot…
    We had no air-conditioning, did anyon?
    I slept out on the front-lawn on the grass…
    To hot upstairs…
    ….in Fort Dodge…

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