Met Office : Wintry Conditions Threaten Wimbledon

The Met Office warned the wintry conditions may last until the end of the month, threatening major events including Wimbledon and the Henley Rowing regatta.

The only good news is that millions of households are to have hosepipe bans lifted before the end of summer because two months of rain have returned rivers and reservoirs to normal levels.

Weather: batten down the hatches, we’re in for a ‘European monsoon’ – Telegraph

NOAA says it is the hottest year ever.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Met Office : Wintry Conditions Threaten Wimbledon

  1. Billy Liar says:

    Heat wave on the way then!

  2. James P says:

    Since when were the Met Office able to reliably forecast more than a few days ahead? They’re the ones who predicted a dry April, remember! (For readers outside the UK, it was the wettest on record).

  3. Andy DC says:

    Not exactly a Barbeque Summer. What was the last Barbeque Summer? 1976?

  4. Traitor in Chief says:

    Since we’re talking Tennis, we should study Tennis players, After a long day at the court, a tennis player needs a little relaxation by the beach.

  5. O.M.G.U. Failsohard says:

    “The Met Office warned”

    Bullshit detected. Continue Reading Y/N ?


    Article aborted

  6. Andyj says:

    The British rains and destructive gales might stop before the Olympics. Not sure if anyone is going to bother turning up, apart from the asylum seekers.

    The Olympic torch was being jogged through my town and the flame went out. I guess they’ll have to jog back and start again.

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