Monbiot : Stuck On Bambi

Some people will respond by giving up, or at least withdrawing from political action. Why, they will ask, should we bother, if the inevitable destination is the loss of so much of what we hold dear: the forests, the brooks, the wetlands, the coral reefs, the sea ice, the glaciers, the birdsong and the night chorus, the soft and steady climate which has treated us kindly for so long?

After Rio, we know. Governments have given up on the planet | George Monbiot | Comment is free | The Guardian

Soft and steady climate? Perhaps he is thinking of the LIA which brought the Black Death and killed 80% of Europe? Perhaps he is thinking of the Irish Potato Famine which killed 25% of the population of Ireland? Maybe the Bristol Flood of 1607, or the England Drought of 1976?

Or perhaps this is what he is thinking of?

    Launceston Examiner (Tas. : 1842 – 1899) Friday 1 July 1887 p 2 Article
    … DROUGHT IN ENGLAND. The agricultural prospects in several’ English counties are being seriously affected by the prolongeddrought. … 18 words
    This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 5.726)This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 5.726)

    The Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 – 1954) Wednesday 20 May 1896 p 3 Article
    … DROUGHT IN ENGLAND. The protracted drought prevailing in many .many parts of England is retarding the growth of early crops. … 20 words
    This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 5.694)This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 5.694)

  3. Drought in England.
    Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (NSW : 1851 – 1904) Friday 24 July 1896 p 3 Article
    … Drought in England. Owing to tho severe drought being experienced enced in England a water famine has occurred at Leicester. The water supply of London has been re strictod to six hours a day owing to the drought. … 38 words
    This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 5.653)This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 5.653)

    Border Watch (Mount Gambier, SA : 1861 – 1954) Saturday 23 August 1913 p 3 Article
    … DROUGHT IN ENGLAND. The continued drought in England and Scotland is daily making the outlook for agriculturists appear more. serious. In Glasgow the water supply is only suffi cient for 77 (lays. Tlic River Tay is at a level so low” as to he unprecedented, in Bedfordshire there lias been no rain, … 55 words
    This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 5.651)This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 5.651)

    Northern Territory Times (Darwin, NT : 1927 – 1932) Friday 28 June 1929 p 4 Article
    … DROUGHT IN ENGLAND The shortage of rain during the past six months is causing concern in certain parts of England and Wales. … 22 words
    This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 5.648)This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 5.648)

  6. Drought in England
    Mirror (Perth, WA : 1921 – 1956) Saturday 25 June 1921 p 1 Article
    … Drought in England LONDON, June 25.-A A prolonged drought is threatening the farming industry. The worst sufferers are the fruit growers. London water is also very low, and the capital is within measurable distance of a water fam ine. … 39 words
    This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 5.611)This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 5.611)

    Border Watch (Mount Gambier, SA : 1861 – 1954) Wednesday 20 August 1913 p 3 Article
    … DROUGHT IN ENGLAND. In the agricultural districts of England the absence of rain is .being severely felt’. The farmers are gravely concerned in the agricultural districts in -the Midlands. … 29 words
    This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 5.6)This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 5.6)

    Camperdown Chronicle (Vic. : 1877 – 1954) Thursday 18 May 1893 p 2 Article
    … DROUGHT IN ENGLAND. A London cablegram s»ys/-The Jrnaiht iit KogUnd, after lait’ng fur a period of over eleven weeks, has »t last, broken up. Good rains have fallen in’ sll parts of the country. ‘ ‘ ‘ .C … 38 words
    This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 5.594)This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 5.594)

    Singleton Argus (NSW : 1880 – 1954) Saturday 14 June 1919 p 5 Article
    … DROUGHT IN ENGLAND, London, Wednesday,-Dry weather is causing serious outlook for crops. Prayers ers for rain will be offered on Sunday. The total rainfall in London for the past V. days ja 39 points. … 34 words
    This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 5.594)This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 5.594)

    Camperdown Chronicle (Vic. : 1877 – 1954) Thursday 23 July 1896 p 2 Article
    … DROUGHT IN ENGLAND. A very s-erere drought is w»- hein^ er ]>«rienc d in the South of England. Owing to the intense licit if tha sun the pastures are burned up. and cattle feed in very scarce. The hay ertp is almost a total failure, and the output of corn is greatly reduced. … 53 words
    This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 5.59)This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 5.59)

  11. Drought in England.
    Warwick Argus (St. Lucia, Qld. : 1879 – 1901) Tuesday 5 July 1887 p 2 Article
    … Drought In England. London, July 1.-The drought from which the United Kingdom is now suffering, is worst in the north ofEngland, where the farmers have had to sacrifice their stock. The root and gratii crops «re elso enffering eeverelf. … 40 words
    This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 5.59)This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 5.59)

    The West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 – 1954) Thursday 19 July 1934 p 18 Article Illustrated
    … DROUGHT IN ENGLAND. England has just experienced the worst drought for nearly 100 years. Above Is seen a network of cracks in the dry. bed of one of the Tring reservoirs In Hertfordshire. &n … 75 words
    This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 5.586)This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 5.586)

    The Horsham Times (Vic. : 1882 – 1954) Friday 4 October 1901 p 3 Article
    … DROUGHT IN ENGLAND. The prolonged drought in Lancashire shire and Yorkshire is having a most serious effect on trade, and thousands operatives have been thrown out of ollany of the hands, exasperated at the action of a section of the mill owners in damming the streams, de malished a number of … 64 words
    This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 5.578)This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 5.578)

  14. Drought In England
    The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1931 – 1954) Wednesday 29 June 1949 p 1 Article
    … Drought In England A.A.P. And Our Special Representative LONDON June 28. The Air Ministry meteorological office stated t xlay that practically the whole of Eneland. Eastern Scotland and Wales, after 15 a days without rain, had now en- ! tered a state ol “absolutedrought.'” ? Thousands ?f … 106 words
    This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 5.535)This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 5.535)

    Townsville Daily Bulletin (Qld. : 1885 – 1954) Monday 26 September 1949 p 1 Article Illustrated
    … DROUGHT IN ENGLAND Many parts of England are now suffering from n m an ‘absolute drought’ Unless … emptying owing to the continued drought. This vaTk-v has been submerged as a reservoir since 191!. Many parts of England are now suffering from n m an ‘absolute drought’ Unless long and maintainance periods … 155 words
    This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 5.531)This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 5.531)

    The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 – 1931) Thursday 16 February 1922 p 6 Article
    … ENGLAND’S DROUGHT YEAR. All drought records in England since the early eighteenth century were beaten last year. London’s total rainfall for [?]21 was only 1[?] in which in a record for dryn?a. In __%> to_9 in. at ran ns recorded, while tbe average yearly ran fal!. taking tbe whole aaantty, Erom … 104 words
    This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 5.524)This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 5.524)

  17. Drought in England
    Northern Star (Lismore, NSW : 1876 – 1954) Saturday 1 August 1896 p 8 Article
    … ; \ Drought in .England ENGLISH “ENGLISH people, particularly those who have been out here a few years remember the old country as distinctly anti-drought a place, it it always safe to carry an umbrella. England baa a record of a drought period that beats tnîÇ country. ! As far back us 1738 tho … 345 words
    This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 5.518)This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 5.518)

  18. Drought in England.
    Worker (Brisbane, Qld. : 1890 – 1955) Thursday 5 November 1914 p 4 Article
    … Drought in England. During the recent English summer a. drought prevailed over a considerable portion of England. Apparently inexhaustible haustible wells, fed by rams and snows, u-fii-H num nod drv. and in many locali ties streamlets disappeared. Manu facture was arrested for want of accus tomed … 146 words
    This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 5.512)This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 5.512)

    Examiner (Launceston, Tas. : 1900 – 1954) Wednesday 29 June 1949 p 1 Article
    … DROUGHT GRIPS ENGLAND LONDON (A.A.P.).-Practically – Practically the whole of England, eastern Scotland and Wales, after 15 days without rain, has now en tered the state of “abso lute drought.” THOUSANDS of Londoners stayed out all night on Mon day: dodging the heat wave and seeking rest in parks … 113 words
    This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 5.512)This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 5.512)

    The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 – 1954) Monday 19 September 1904 p 11 Article
    … DROUGHT DBOUGHT IN ENGLAND. Settlers in this country have never supposed posed that they have had … «uflerod from a “disastrous drought season,” as it is termed by the agricultural press. Some … of tho summer, and a rainless porlod Is taken as a 
    Morning Bulletin (Rockhampton, Qld. : 1878 – 1954) Wednesday 16 August 1911 p 10 Article
    … ENGLAND. The London Daily Express* at the 14th of June published the following : under the headings of “Drought in England-norain for seven weeks .’:-*’, (tv J’eople me ino delighted wilHw tho … against thc pro . longed drought. ? ^On hot uplund pastures .fanners find it ”?’£¡$f¡i*ffi tvpjfli … 684 words
    This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 5.48)This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 5.48)

    The Capricornian (Rockhampton, Qld : 1875 – 1929) Saturday 9 September 1911 p 29 Article
    … DROUGHT IN ENGLAND, The London “Daily Express” Express” of the 14th of June published the following under the headings of -Drought in England-no rain nre so delishted xijlit tlie that tin; lilislit … ‘^ % . Some of the tre-s that have soematbed J to the drought are litenllj leaded with ‘1 fruit that … 796 words
    This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 5.473)This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 5.473)

    Northern Standard (Darwin, NT : 1921 – 1955) Thursday 14 July 1921 p 3 Article
    … DROUGHT IN ENGLAND -?”:.*,. CONTINUES. N The drought continues in England The heat records of 40 years were eclipsed, the thermometer registered 90 degrees in the shade in London. A number of deaths have occurred. :_ ‘ I … 38 words
    This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 4.979)This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 4.979)

    The Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 – 1954) Thursday 23 July 1896 p 2 Article
    … SEVERE DROUGHT IN ENGLAND.   The drought which has been prevail- ing for some weeks past has been most severe in the southern counties of England. land. The pastures are burnt up with the sun, cattle food is scarce, the hay crop almost a failure, and the corn harvest will be … 59 words
    This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 4.974)This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 4.974)

    The West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 – 1954) Thursday 15 September 1949 p 5 Article
    … DROUGHT RELIEF IN ENGLAND LONDON. Sept. 14: Heavy rain fell In most parts of southern brm England today. ending a prolongeddrought which threatened complete disorgan. Isation of water supplies. Reuters. … 31 words
    This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 4.917)This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 4.917)

    Townsville Daily Bulletin (Qld. : 1885 – 1954) Friday 16 September 1949 p 1 Article
    … DROUGHT BROKEN IN ENGLAND LONDON. September 15.-Heavy – Heavy rain has fallen in most parts of Southern England, ending ing the prolonged drought, which threatened a complete disorgan isation of water supplies. … 32 words
    This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 4.917)This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 4.917)

  7. A Drought in England.
    The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 – 1933) Monday 28 March 1932 p 8 Article
    … A Drought in England. Dry weather in England in the winter ter is most unusual, but, according to … beginning to wonder when the ‘drought’ will end. The extraordinary persistence of dry weather has been … at all dur- ing that period. Apart from the longdrought in 1929, it is necessary to go back to 1893 … 237 words
    This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 4.873)This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 4.873)

    Camperdown Chronicle (Vic. : 1877 – 1954) Thursday 6 August 1896 p 2 Article
    … THE DROUGHT IN ENGLAND. Owiu^ to the continuaiue of thu ex ceptionally hot weMther, and the terrible drought, them has been an alarming in crease in BicVnests and death in White chapel, one of the most crowded parts of London. When the drought be^ui to be felt, it was found necessary to limit the … 129 words
    This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 4.845)This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 4.845)

  9. A Drought in England.
    The Queenslander (Brisbane, Qld. : 1866 – 1939) Thursday 31 March 1932 p 31 Article
    … A Drought in England. DRY weather in England in the winter ter is most unusual, but, according to … beginning to wonder when the ‘drought’ will end. The extraordinary “persistence of dry weather has been … at all dur ing that period. Apart from the longdrought in 1929, it is necessary to go back to 1893 … 238 words
    This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 4.84)This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 4.84)

    Singleton Argus (NSW : 1880 – 1954) Wednesday 13 September 1933 p 2 Article
    … PROLONGED DROUGHT IN ENGLAND London, Monday.-The prolonged drought continues, and forecasts indicate cate further fine weather. The water shortage problem is causing some anxiety in small towns and villages in several parts of tho country. There were further outbreaks to-day of fires which, during … 153 words
    This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 4.836)This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 4.836)

    The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 – 1954) Monday 25 August 1913 p 8 Article
    … A DROUGHT IN ENGLAND. There is it drought in the old country. There was another drought in England in 1911. The newspapers at the time gave It a great deal of prominence. “The long drought,” said … sibility of a drought in England, had seen, i£ not a real Australian drought, at any Wte n tolerable … 715 words
    This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 4.836)This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 4.836)

    The Register (Adelaide, SA : 1901 – 1929) Friday 16 October 1914 p 4 Article
    … A DROUGHT; IN ENGLAND. ^ENGLAND. England, with its drenching rains and heavy snow falls, sometimes experiences adrought as. .well as Bunny Australia. Dr. Jefferis. reminded the Congregational Union … losses have, already, been sustained’ through the .scarcity of water England,’ and that seriouB … 327 words
    This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 4.836)This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 4.836)

    Morning Bulletin (Rockhampton, Qld. : 1878 – 1954) Thursday 6 August 1896 p 6 Article
    … THE DROUGHT IN ENGLAND. The cables cubica from England with regard to the intense i itibnac … unprcccdi’nte’l, in fact Englandhas u record of a drought period that beat* thin country.” Going imo particulars … was in England during a drought p tiod. It was the beginning of June, and the edges an 1 fields … 459 words
    This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 4.825)This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 4.825)

  14. The Drought in England.
    Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (NSW : 1851 – 1904) Tuesday 4 August 1896 p 2 Article
    … The Drought in England. A correspondent sends us the following :- To road of a drought in England … Hevald this gentleman stated that from 1740 to 1765 was a serious drought. No less than 25 years oi … series of good season h we oaDnot well expeot to run it profttsblo irxde in England. Many coumrioR unn … 539 words
    This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 4.82)This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 4.82)

    The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 – 1954) Monday 29 September 1919 p 7 Article
    … DROUGHT IN NEW ENGLAND. GLEN INNES.-Exceptionally dry conditions are prevailing throughout Central New England, land, and no rain of any consequence has fallen for a month or more. The pastures are … year is Very much drier I than even that drought or the one In 1902. In 18S8 chaff could bo purchased … 221 words
    This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 4.815)This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 4.815)

    Northern Star (Lismore, NSW : 1876 – 1954) Tuesday 23 March 1915 p 4 Article
    … DROUGHT IN NEW ENGLAND. Says the “Glen Innes Guardian”:-For the first llr«t time In the history of New England, the tho continuation of the dry weather is causing no little anxiety. The grass along tho railway line has heeotne so ilpy that HpnrkH from pns««in^p engines are act ting it alight, … 169 words
    This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 4.805)This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 4.805)

  17. The Drought in England.
    Australian Town and Country Journal (NSW : 1870 – 1907) Saturday 18 November 1893 p 23 Article
    … The Drought in England. Some curious phenomena have been experienced in England: in connection with – the growth and fructification of trees during the ; hot and dry weather -experienced ‘the past summer.- In the case of apple trees it has been found that’,-not withstanding the heat and drought, … 363 words
    This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 4.797)This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 4.797)

    Launceston Examiner (Tas. : 1842 – 1899) Saturday 13 August 1870 p 3 Article
    … THE DROUGHT IN ENGLAND. (From The Times, June Autobiography. Our weather records are now so … a serious phenomenon. There is no kind of question about the reality of the drought now felt. … Eastern Counties. It may have been remarked, as characteristic of the present drought, that it has not … 871 words
    This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 4.796)This resource is very relevant to your query (score: 4.796)

    The Register (Adelaide, SA : 1901 – 1929) Monday 29 January 1906 p 4 Article
    … RECORD DROUGHT IN ENGLAND. London aud the southern and south-east- ern counties generally (writes The Daily Chronicle) have just seen the end of a drought, which, if it had occurred during … almost every every- body has been thankful. Yet it cannot be maintained that a winter drought is &nbs … 634 words

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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25 Responses to Monbiot : Stuck On Bambi

  1. Kaboom says:

    What kind of recreational drug can cause that amount of brain damage?

  2. higley7 says:

    Actually, since our planet spends the vast majority of its time in ice ages, he must be pining for millions of square miles of ice 2-4 mile thick on his land. Yep, those were good times!

  3. higley7 says:

    Brain damage? One has to have a brain in the first place to be able to suffer any damage.

  4. DirkH says:

    Re the forests: The reforestation of the UK and Germany (for example) took place after introduction of fossil fuels.
    Forests now make way for wind turbines.
    Greens are the enemies of forests.

    In Germany it works like this: We have seven Green parties that go under different names, and zero non-green parties. The Green party that rules in a certain town or land decides to cut down some forest to make way for wind turbines, and the Green parties that are in opposition protest against it. In a neighbouring land, the names of the Green parties are reversed but what happens is exactly the same.

  5. gator69 says:

    Brooks will disappear? Where was this forecast made? Or under what illegal influence?

    The fact that the press takes this lunatic seriously, is indictment enough.

  6. spinifers says:

    I strongly encourage everyone concerned about global warming to go visit the soft and steady arctic sea ice and pet the kind and gentle polar bears before it’s too late.

  7. Sundance says:

    Monboit has been abandoned by James Lovelock who has disavowed all bleeding heart green religion in a comment in some obscure English bird cage liner. Monboit is now a depressed climate doom orphan and needs to immediately be put on suicide watch. I would shed a tear if it were not that I have none left as they have all been spent on Obama’s economy. 🙁

  8. ntesdorf says:

    Coming from Australia where many droughts last 7-10 years the concept of a drought that lasts “a month or more” in Kent is somewhat trivial.

  9. Andy DC says:

    What about the Dutch floods that killed tens of thousands for centuries going back to the 1300’s? What about the great English windstorm that killed close to 10,000 in 1703? Soft and steady climate that has treated us kindly?

  10. Jimbo says:

    Or perhaps Monbiot is thinking about the Roman Warm Period when civilisations shrivelled, cooked and were all wiped out. /sarc Monbiot should lay off the funny stuff.

    Monbiot should think about the Holocene when we had warmer periods than today – when man rose out of caves and onto the Moon in a relativel short period of time. This has been the kindest period of climate man has ever known. Cold kills.

  11. Rosco says:

    Perhaps these idiots forget that Australia rode to prosperity on agricultural exports to the UK before they wondered if all that red dirt might contain some iron or aluminium ?

  12. We have left a rational age and now find ourselves in a new age of romantic primitivism. Bon sauvage, who lived the high life in a climate Eden.

  13. kirkmyers says:

    I don’t think Monbiot is stupid. Perhaps the marketing people are pushing this nonsense to sell more papers.

    Humanity has expended numerous lives and incalcuable resources protecting itself from nature’s “soft and steady” climate. The Holocene has been good to us, but not that good.

    Warm is good; cold is bad.

  14. kirkmyers says:

    Far too many journalists have decided to become stenographers. It’s much easier to regurgitate press releases than it is to do research. Then there’s the problem with peer pressure. Deviate from the politically correct position of the day, and you’ll find yourself with no friends at the water cooler..

    • Have written for magazines for a very short while, I can assure you it’s easier to read what others wrote and reword it. That (a) won’t get you in trouble and (b) lets you meet the deadline.

  15. Justa Joe says:

    How does this notion persist that the weather was ideal before the fad of AGW was invented? It’s absurd on its face.

    • Ben says:

      Agreed. Absurd on it’s face, to those to choose to read a little. Steven’s gift is that he consolidates the history, with links.

      You can lead a person to words, but you can’t make them read, think, doubt, check, verify, understand.

  16. tckev says:

    Those halcyon days of 1947 Britain, ah those happy days!–1947_in_the_United_Kingdom

  17. tckev says:

    “the soft and steady climate which has treated us kindly for so long?”, he must be referring to the first 50 years of the twentieth century?

    Britain doesn’t have a climate, it just has weather!

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