More Shocking Imagery Of Greenland

As the Sun approaches its highest point in the sky for the summer, temperatures have risen to a devastating -22C on the Greenland Ice Sheet.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to More Shocking Imagery Of Greenland

  1. Lance says:

    Oh the horror….-22…
    On a side note, doing a charity bike ride tomorrow, 90 km, forecast? 100 ml of rain(for my american friends…4 inches..)in one day…now that will be a wet ride..

  2. Andy DC says:

    Looks like the Summit Country Club is closed for maintenance to prepare for the Greenland Open. They don’t want anyone messing up the “greens”. Is Tiger going to play in it this year? Last year he was upset because he drew a 1 AM starting time that really messed up his party life.

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