Obama Takes Away Fire Fighting Resources – Then Tries To Score Political Points

Obama canceled a key firefighting equipment contract, and is now coming out for a photo op with the people he screwed.

 Last year, in the middle of the fire season, while Rick Perry was still campaigning, the Forest Service simply terminate a contract with a company called Aero Union.  Aero Union had operated6 Lockheed P-3 Orions, and was preparing to add a seventh to the fleet when the contract was canceled.

Obama Fiddles While The West Burns! | suyts space

Obama wants to make sure that traffic and firefighters are tied up in the middle of an emergency, so that he can get an election year photo op.

WASHINGTON — The White House says President Barack Obama will tour the scene of devastating wildfires in Colorado on Friday, and thank firefighters battling some of the worst fires to hit the American West in decades.

Obama coming to Colorado to tour fires | The Coloradoan | coloradoan.com

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to Obama Takes Away Fire Fighting Resources – Then Tries To Score Political Points

  1. gofer says:

    Twitter / ebertchicago:
    Wake-up call: Colorado is on fire and Global Warming is real. Deniers are psycho kneejerks. http://bit.ly/MWK0IK

    Why do you think he feels a need to chime in with his brilliance? Huh?

  2. suyts says:

    No doubt, what better way to make sure fires can rage out of control than simply taking away the forest fire fighting planes? It’s magical! Suddenly forest fires are getting out of control!!! If I were the insurance companies, I’d be filing suit…… oh, wait, he’d probably nationalize home owners, as well. Never mind, just raise the rates!

    Gosh, he’s such an effective leader!

  3. cb says:

    You mean like when Obama would not allow foreign oil-catching ships, “because” they were not 100% efficient, resulting in him banning (effectively) off-shore oil-drilling (making him hugely popular with the hippies), very many photo-ops of the “concerned commander in chief”, etc. etc. etc?

    The word is: ‘sociopath’: i.e. he will ruin the lives of thousands, all for the sake of a few seconds of prime-time.

  4. DEEBEE says:

    C’mon guys this was started in Bush’s time, Obama only continued it by voting present. IMafine the biggest hoax that evil Bush played on all of us — first he had the Supreme court select him and then after constitutional two terms he had Barack elected who is just continuing his policies.

  5. ES says:

    Aero Union was under contract to the US Forest Service, and part of the contract was to perform a Fatigue and Damage Tolerance Evaluation and structural inspection program., which they failed to do:
    The forest service does not want a repeat of this, which could be the result of not performing the inspections:

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