Oregonian Observes Out Of Control Global Warming

Global warming ‘hiatus’ in recent years helps spur skepticism | OregonLive.com

h/t to GORE LIED

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Oregonian Observes Out Of Control Global Warming

  1. Tourist in Chief says:

    Oregon is filled with dimwitted libs. They ran a story about how Lake Powell was about to dry up, and I sent them the link to the Lake Powell web site. It got thru to someone because they wrote back asking if they could use my comments in a followup article.

  2. gregole says:

    A couple of quick questions:

    1. What is the correct temperature of the Earth? Is it as implied by the headline above the temperature of the Earth in 1895?

    2. If so, what is special about 1895? Is it possible that 1895 was; a) Colder than usual; b) poorly measured?

    3. Did those predicting it will get hotter from now on, predict the decade + stall in heat rise we have seen? No? If not, then what lends credibility to their forecast of hotter temperatures?

    4. According to the article, “The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change predicts warming of 2 degrees to 11 degrees in the 21st century, depending in part on how much fossil fuel the world burns.”

    But then later states: “Explanations [for the lack of warming] include ramped-up coal burning in Asia, which increases short-lived spurts of sulfur-dioxide that dampen temperatures. So if the energy is produced in Asia it cools the Earth – short-term. Hmmm. What is “short-term”? A month? A year? A decade? A century? Five minutes?

  3. DC Andy says:

    Who is deciding what are the warmest months? If they are the usual suspects with their usual baised extrapolations and adjustments, the statement is nothing but political propaganda.

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