Rahmstorf Picking Rotten Cherries

Rahmstorf is a real piece of work. When it comes to global sea level, he happily chucked the tide gauge data and instead used the 1992-2005 subset of the satellite data. But when it comes to local sea level data like the northeastern US, he happily ignores the satellite data and sticks religiously to tide gauge data.

But it is worse than it seems. When calculating future sea level rise, he ignores both the tide gauge data and the satellite data, and instead just makes numbers up. Never mind that none of the data sources show a positive acceleration in sea level rise rates. He knows that all hell is about to break loose.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to Rahmstorf Picking Rotten Cherries

  1. “he ignores both the tide gauge data and the satellite data, and instead just makes numbers up.”

    That’s grossly unfair Steve, he did use *one* tide gauge to evaluate global sea level rise in his classic sea level hockey stick paper. And he did toss in some proxy data (although he had to admit that his proxy data was a little inconsistent…). He only THEN started to make numbers up… I mean, he wrote a model that just happened to spit out the numbers he put into it.

  2. scizzorbill says:

    Data is only useful if it fits the ‘agenda”.

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