See The Devastation For Yourself


The super-duper 50,000 acre mega-fire of 2012, which our greenie friends are hysterical about. Over 100 houses were lost, because some people like to build wood houses in the middle of a forest which naturally burns about once every twenty years.

The panorama above is Lory State Park at noon today, which was reported burning this week. The only fire scars visible in the park are ones which are decades old. The forests on distant ridges on the right side were burned a few days ago. Almost no smoke is visible.

Out of the 50,000 acres which are reported to have burned, much of that was grassland which will have recovered by the end of the summer.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to See The Devastation For Yourself

  1. ntesdorf says:

    Another Great Scare Story bites the dust!

  2. tckev says:

    As usual more scare and less factual care.

    Steven have you seen this

    A paper in Nature ( ) Climate Change by Gleckler et al that says they detect “a positive identification (at the 1% level) of an anthropogenic fingerprint in the observed upper-ocean temperature changes, thereby substantially strengthening existing detection and attribution evidence.”
    I’m sure you can guess how they got their figures – they have looked at the average of a variety of computer models. No real science again.

  3. “Over 100 houses were lost, because some people like to build wood houses in the middle of a forest which naturally burns about once every twenty years.”

    It is amazing how many people there are that do stupid things.

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