The Oklahoma Big Lie Of 2011

Oklahoma July Hottest Month Ever Recorded in U.S.

Last week, we gloated that, although Tulsa and OKC made the cut as two of the five hottest cities in the U.S., Lubbock, TX had the dubious honor of being awarded Very Most Hellish City of 2011 by The Daily Beast. “At least we don’t live in Texas,” we poked.

We will now eat our words, because the Oklahoma Climatological Survey has just announced that July, 2011 in Oklahoma was the hottest month ever recorded in the contiguous United States.

Oklahoma July Hottest Month Ever Recorded in U.S. | This Land Press

Last year’s climate disinformation campaign was largely centered around Oklahoma and Texas, and claims that July in Oklahoma was the hottest month ever in the US. Actually, it wasn’t even close.

Meeker, Oklahoma is the closest USHCN station to Oklahoma City. They recorded no days in July, 2011 over 110 degrees, and only two days in August.

The hottest month was August, 1913 – when  there were twenty-two days over 110F – compared to zero days in July, 2011.

The year 1936 also had ten days over 110F, including the all-time record high of 119F and four days over 115F. There have been a total of fifty-nine days over 110F in Meeker, Oklahoma, and all but three occurred below 350 PPM. The vast majority occurred before 1940.

U.S. Historical Climatology Network

Claims that last summer was the hottest ever, and that it was caused by CO2, are garbage. If Oklahoma had a month like August, 1913 with twenty-two days over 110F, Joe Romm would demand immediate world communism.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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One Response to The Oklahoma Big Lie Of 2011

  1. Andy DC says:

    It is no fun living at a time when even weather records are not real and everything is biased to fit a predetermined agenda.

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