UHI In Fort Collins : Part Deux

I found some aerial photos of the CSU campus, showing land use changes around the Fort Collins weather station. The station has warmed about 4F over the last 100 years.

In 1937, the station was located in the middle of a farm,

By 1950, the area was starting to get built up.

By 1969, the city had surrounded the weather station.

Now it is in the middle of a parking lot.

Hansen tells us that UHI isn’t important, or has caused cooling.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to UHI In Fort Collins : Part Deux

  1. gator69 says:

    This is like the international airport where my local UHI driven weather station is located. In the oh-so-hot-until-recently 1930’s, it had grass runways and was in the middle of farm country. Old photos show that when the first runway was paved, the only other structures were grain elevators. Now you must drive for an hour, just to get out of the pavement jungle in which it resides.

  2. You know, that “lagoon” to the south would perhaps cause a slight reduction in daytime highs when the winds are from the South.

    It would also tend to cause a slight increase in nighttime temperatures with Southerly winds.

  3. scizzorbill says:

    Hansen only approves of data that supports his agenda. Don’t bother him with facts. He’s not used to non manipulated, corruption free truth smacking you in the face data.

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