Welsh Prime Ministers Are A Thing Of The Past In Australia

2008 : Australian skiing doomed!

Global warming to shorten ski season: CSIRO Updated May 28, 2008 09:02:00

Australia Scientists say Australian skiers should prepare for shorter ski seasons because of global warming.  A report published in the New Scientist magazine has found the average number of days of snow in the Swiss Alps is lower than ever before.  CSIRO climate change expert Dr Penny Whetton says Australia’s mountain snow cover could be reduced by up to 54 per cent by 2020.  “The probability of any precipitation falling as snow rather than rain is going to decrease, and any snow lying on the ground is going to melt more quickly,” she said.  “So the outcome of that is, there’s going to be shorter snow seasons, not as much depth of snow on the ground

Global warming to shorten ski season: CSIRO – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)


Australian skiers rejoice in 70cm of snow by: By Angela Saurine From: news.com.au June 25, 2012 1:21pm

SKIERS and snowboarder were basking in deep powder snow over the weekend after a huge storm hit Australian ski resorts.  Mt Hotham in Victoria received 70cm of fresh snow since Thursday – the most of any resort in the country.  “It was a busy weekend after news broke that Heavenly Valley would open two weeks earlier than last year,’‘ spokeswoman Gina Woodward said.  “The snow conditions were outstanding.  “It certainly was a case of ‘pinch me is it June?”

Australian skiers rejoice in 70cm of snow | Herald Sun

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Welsh Prime Ministers Are A Thing Of The Past In Australia

  1. Michael Spencer says:

    But Steve: “Scientists say!”
    For that matter all the rain that’s supposed to have been falling in various parts of Australia over the past year or so is merely a mirage; Tim Flannery said there would be no more rain, so there!
    Global warming has become so severe that there is no snow. Any reports to say that there is snow is undoubtedly propaganda because the Deputy Prime Minister and Treasurer was saying on more than one occasion in Parliament only last week that we have to ‘fight dangerous climate change’, so he must be right. After all, he’s advised by ‘experts’ – isn’t he?

    Hmmmm. There was an earthquake near here last week …. Climate Change caused by ‘carbon’ [sic] ‘pollution’! That’s what must have caused it.

    Fires, floods, famine, and pestilence – all unprecedented! Never happened before ….

    And those poor polar bears.

    Now to where should I send my ‘rescue the polar bears’ cheque? Is that ‘Care of A.Gore, Esq.’?

  2. mohatdebos says:

    Be careful! You need to check whether it is still legal in Australia to question the views of “experts” paid by the government. As you know, businesses have been threatened with fines if they claim that they had to raise prices because of the carbon tax.

  3. johnmcguire says:

    Of course, Australia has it bad because they have no constitution with freedoms such as ours in the states for the polititions to not pay any attention to.

  4. Lance says:

    The next winter Olympics will be the last one due to Global Warming…heard/saw on TV that statement, but can’t recall where…but I guess if I do a search, I could find many other references to it…

  5. Marian says:

    “Australian skiers rejoice in 70cm of snow by: By Angela Saurine From: news.com.au June 25, 2012 1:21pm

    SKIERS and snowboarder were basking in deep powder snow over the weekend after a huge storm hit Australian ski resorts.”

    And Last year the OZ ski fields had better earlier snow cover than our ones in ‘colder’ NZ. for June.

  6. Robertvdl says:

    J. Gillard hates snow and skiing, I suppose. That’s why they left the UK.

  7. Andy says:

    This year we had one of the earliest and best starts to the snow season in the Australian Alps.
    Seems the weather cares nothing for alarmist predictions.

  8. Geoff Brown says:

    It is obvious that our carbon dioxide tax to start in two weeks is acting retrospectively.

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