What Hansen Is Hiding

Current GISS US temperature data
1999 version of GISS US temperature data

The graph above uses uncorrupted GISS data through 1999, and subsequent years use corrupted GISS data, minus the 1999 “adjustment” of +0.355. This is conservative, because the current GISS upwards adjustment is probably larger than that. GISS doesn’t publish that information and does not provide disclaimers with their graphs that the real thermometers actually show a cooling trend for the last 80 years.

The bottom line is that according to the actual measured thermometer readings, the three hottest years in US history all occurred before 1940. Current US temperatures are close to the post-1880 average.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to What Hansen Is Hiding

  1. Eric Barnes says:

    These are modifications to the homogenized data correct?

  2. jabali316 says:

    Here are my stooopid questions of the day. I have not been following this stuff as closely as I should have.

    My understanding is that some (or all?) of the RAW data is not available to us plebeians. Judging by your graph, it appears that the AVERAGE of the pre-2000 raw data is available, but that the data from INDIVIDUAL temperature stations are not. (And forget about the computer code; that’s a classified national security secret.)

    Some time ago, Anthony ran a piece called The Great Dying of Thermometers. Apparently we have access to the number of temperature stations used in the computations for any given year, and that number has decreased over time.

    If we ignore the diddled data, which sets of REAL data does the Great Unwashed (that’s us) have access to?

    • The US average data is no longer available – as it has been deleted off the GISS website. Fortunately John Daly saved a snapshot of it 12 years ago.

      • E.M.Smith says:


        See here:


        For a graph of the dropout. Technically, they don’t actually remove any thermometers, just stop taking new data from them. The data set collection process is a bit arcane, so they had a lot of data collected via a variety of means, including paper records; then post 1990 only had new data coming from a subset of them electronically. The result is the same, a big plunge in thermometer counts.

        I compare v1 to v3 of GHCN here:


        and if you look at the “by region” reports you will find a field listed as “count” that is the count of active thermometers by year in that region. (Same field is in the summary report/ data).

        There isn’t really any Raw data available. It has all been massaged a bit one way or another. The monthly data, for example, is by definition a computed average, so not a raw data item.

        There are daily data available, but the size is very large. It will be ‘close to raw’ but have some ‘corrections’ in it. See here for a description:

        of the data here:

        There are a couple of other odd sets available for various places, including the USHCN (also from NOAA) for the USA. Russia has 400+ stations data available publicly somewhere on their web site ( it helps to read Russian 😉 http://metro.ru/ and there are other nations that do something similar.

        At one time I found a military site with weather data, but don’t have a link. It was mostly from US Airbases so a bit subject to Airport Heat Island anyway…


        Is supposed to be the input data for B.E.S.T. but I’ve not looked through it yet. Enjoy 😉

        @Eric Barnes:

        GIStemp does an internal homogenizing step where it fills in missing data and another step where it claims to do a UHI “adjustment”. If it is GISS output, it is adjusted… Any homogenized data has been adjusted to some degree.

        @Steven Goddard:

        The v1 GHCN data must be available somewhere as Mosher did an analysis of it yesterday posted at WUWT. I have a copy too. I also have a copy of v2 from about 2009 and a running copy of GIStemp, so I can recreate their output from then. Don’t know how to get a 1990 GIStemp output though…

      • E.M.Smith says:


        See here:


        For a graph of the dropout. Technically, they don’t actually remove any thermometers, just
        stop taking new data from them. The data set collection process is a bit arcane, so they had a lot of data collected via a variety of means, including paper records; then post 1990 only had new data coming from a subset of them electronically. The result is the same, a big plunge in thermometer counts.

        I compare v1 to v3 of GHCN here:


        and if you look at the “by region” reports you will find a field listed as “count” that is the count of active thermometers by year in that region. (Same field is in the summary report/ data).

        There isn’t really any Raw data available. It has all been massaged a bit one way or another. The monthly data, for example, is by definition a computed average, so not a raw data item.

  3. E.M.Smith says:

    Posted a comment with a bunch of useful data links in it that probably has gone to the SPAM filter…

  4. E.M.Smith says:

    There are daily data available, but the size is very large. It will be ‘close to raw’ but have some ‘corrections’ in it. See here for a description:

    of the data here:

    There are a couple of other odd sets available for various places, including the USHCN (also from NOAA) for the USA. Russia has 400+ stations data available publicly somewhere on their web site ( it helps to read Russian 😉 http://metro.ru/ and there are other nations that do something similar.

    At one time I found a military site with weather data, but don’t have a link. It was mostly from US Airbases so a bit subject to Airport Heat Island anyway…


    Is supposed to be the input data for B.E.S.T. but I’ve not looked through it yet. Enjoy 😉

    @Eric Barnes:

    GIStemp does an internal homogenizing step where it fills in missing data and another step where it claims to do a UHI “adjustment”. If it is GISS output, it is adjusted… Any homogenized data has been adjusted to some degree.

    @Steven Goddard:

    The v1 GHCN data must be available somewhere as Mosher did an analysis of it yesterday posted at WUWT. I have a copy too. I also have a copy of v2 from about 2009 and a running copy of GIStemp, so I can recreate their output from then. Don’t know how to get a 1990 GIStemp output though…

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