What Is A Nazi?

Nazis are not Germans wearing funny helmets.

Nazis are stupid narrow minded people, who are manipulated by propagandists touting fear. Our survival is threatened by Jews. Our survival is threatened by skeptics. Our survival is threatened by witches.

All you need is a master propagandist like Goebbels or Hansen telling the big lie over and over again. If you can instill enough fear, you can get people to engage in all kinds of heinous acts. The rules of law and civility no longer matter.

The storm trooper story below is straight out of Germany in the 1930s.

Just after midnight on July 1, 2011, Patrick Frey, a deputy District Attorney in Los Angeles and a conservative blogger who writes under the name “Patterico,” heard a pounding at his door as sheriff’s deputies arrived to investigate a call from Frey’s home about a man who claimed he had killed his wife. But no one in Frey’s home had been killed, and no one had made a phone call to the police.

“It’s a phone call that could have gotten me killed,” Frey wrote on his blog about the incident.

Frey was cuffed by police while they woke up his wife, who was asleep in their room, and questioned her about the safety of the children.  Helicopters swarmed overhead with searchlights as the sheriff’s deputies investigated.

Frey told ABC News he received email threats prior to the SWAT-ting incident.

Senator Asks DOJ to Investigate SWAT-ting Attacks on Conservative Bloggers – ABC News

You may not be able to see the missing heat yet. But it is scheming and conniving and will appear soon. The missing heat is going to come and kill the next generation, unless we can stop these evil skeptics.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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23 Responses to What Is A Nazi?

  1. Vince Schultz says:

    NAZI’s are slightly to the right of Communists but they are socialist and left wing of even middle of the road conservatives..

    • philjourdan says:

      Only in the respect that Nazis were NATIONAL socialists, while communists were INTERNATIONAL socialists. Stalin coined the term for Nazi’s being right since he looked at himself as the purity of the left.

  2. Andy DC says:

    The degree of thought control in what presumably is a free society chills me to the bone.

  3. harleyrider1978 says:

    Heres why pro-smokers are calling the Tobacco control folks NAZIS.

    “The state must declare the child to be the most precious treasure of the people. As long as the government is perceived as working for the benefit of the children, the people will happily endure almost any curtailment of liberty and almost any deprivation.”
    (Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler; 1943) From a translated version

    The Führer thanks Tobacco Control from the grave:

    Hitler was a Leftist
    Hitler’s Anti-Tobacco Campaign

    One particularly vile individual, Karl Astel — upstanding president of Jena University, poisonous anti-Semite, euthanasia fanatic, SS officer, war criminal and tobacco-free Germany enthusiast — liked to walk up to smokers and tear cigarettes from their unsuspecting mouths. (He committed suicide when the war ended, more through disappointment than fear of hanging.) It comes as little surprise to discover that the phrase “passive smoking” (Passivrauchen) was coined not by contemporary American admen, but by Fritz Lickint, the author of the magisterial 1100-page Tabak und Organismus (“Tobacco and the Organism”), which was produced in collaboration with the German AntiTobacco League.

    There is so much more…………..

  4. suyts says:

    Yes, …..it was described as a “prank”. It isn’t a prank it is attempted murder.

    Vince is right, a Nazi has the socialist element very similar to a Stalinist.

    Kimberlin is a scumbag and he needs to go back to prison.

  5. dmmcmah says:

    It always amuses me how liberals always make it out that the right wing is crazy, mean spirited and unwilling to compromise, when it’s the left that by and large is mean spirited and only interested in their point of view. Just read the NY Times comment sections of their articles to get a sampling. Really it’s not surprising the left would engage in this kind of behavior since they are interested in controlling everything everyone else does like drink soda.

  6. Justa Joe says:

    It’s amazing how far the police can go with only so much as an anonymously phoned in accusation or “tip”.

  7. Fascists take ideas from both the extreme left and the extreme right. However, strictly speaking, the German fascists were the avowed enemies of the communists.

  8. Sundance says:

    Nazis were ahead of their time as they were able to illustrate the importance of a scientific consensus for the theory of the master race. They were able to identify deniers of the consensus, Jews, and show them to be inferior both mentally and morally. They provided important framework for future generations to consider for trying to deal with such deniers.


  9. Colorado Wellington says:

    Will Nitschke says:

    However, strictly speaking, the German fascists were the avowed enemies of the communists.


    And the Crips are the avowed enemies of the Bloods. The Zetas are the avowed enemies of the Sinaloa Cartel.

    Just fighting for the same turf doesn’t make the combatants ideologically different.

    Fascists take ideas from both the extreme left and the extreme right.

    Will, what meaning do the terms “left” and “right” have in your usage above? The adjective “extreme” doesn’t do much until we agree on the scale and what properties or attributes are being amplified.

    Strictly speaking, the German National Socialists didn’t call themselves “fascists”. That was Stalin’s classification of both and he threw in Social Democrats for good measure. And Social Democrats were of course the avowed enemies of the Communists and …

    • An extreme leftist policy would be the abolition of all property rights. A less extreme policy would tolerate limited ownership. An extreme rightist policy would be to kill all the Jews, Blacks, Catholics or Boy Band members (subject to what is out of fashion at the time). A less extreme policy might be to ban immigration from certain ethnic groups but not others.

      • Colorado Wellington says:

        Thanks for the definitions.

        So the Nazis were both extreme right and a tad less extreme left because of hard limits on property rights.

        The Commies were both very extreme left because they abolished most private property and extreme right because of their genocides and class-based killings of millions.

        You see where I was going with the question, right?

      • You’re a little confused because extreme rightists tend to view “enemies” in ethnic terms rather than in ‘caste’ or ‘class’ terms. So that is something you just made up to sound clever. (But making stuff up on the fly seldom makes you look smart because people will notice.)

        On the other hand, the NAZI party did in fact promote policies that one could describe as ‘leftist’.

    • philjourdan says:

      Outstanding post!

  10. Andyj says:

    I don’t care for the name of any political party or its supposed colour. It’s Statists we really despise.

    One ex-US citizen, a businessman who runs a chain of eateries in Russia said on RT: “In the US you have all of the rights but none of the freedoms. Here in Russia you have none of the rights but all of the freedoms.”.

    That is spooky.

  11. Lou says:

    Totalitarianism vs totalitarianism. Left vs Right ideology is totally useless. Same for Socialism vs Communism. The founding fathers of USA knew this and that’s why they wrote U.S. constitution that way to protect USA citizens so they could have their personal freedoms.

    There’s a saying – “Roads paved with good intentions lead to hell”

    I don’t really know what Bush Administration was doing with Patriot Act but it is clearly that Obama Administration is taking advantage of it.


    It apparently is easy to brainwash people.. http://mises.org/books/TRTS/ and http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article5775.htm

    Obama’s isn’t that much difference from them…

  12. Colorado Wellington says:

    Will Nitschke says:

    “You’re a little confused …”


    I get confused easily—even more so before my first cup of coffee—but I am quite aware of the danger of not looking too smart when arguing a point in quick bursts on the web (while actually working on something else).

    However—motivation aside—I did not just make it up. You and I probably agree more than disagree but I hate what Stalin and his kind did to our language, to all our languages. The terms “left” and “right” used to have at least some meaning, until the Great War. After that it went to pieces. Churchill and George VI, conservatives and rightists in the old meaning started sharing the designation with Hitler. It was nonsense, of course, and it didn’t serve any purposes other than Stalin’s but that’s what we still do today. Even highly intelligent people who are using the terms can’t describe the left-right scale in coherent terms but it remained part of our language anyway. I see you are struggling with it yourself but I don’t see it as something to your detriment. The fact is that with hijacked and nonsensical terms like left, right, liberal, conservative and dozens of others in their current usage it’s nearly impossible to carry a discussion. And I don’t know what to do about it other than to disagree and keep tediously explaining which of the completely contradictory meanings of a word I’ve been using at a moment. Dreadful. That’s the source of my occasional cantankerousness.

    • Are you from Wellington, Colorado?

      • Colorado Wellington says:

        No, Steven, from the mountains west of Boulder. Go up north quite a bit, sometimes through Wellington when I take Owl Canyon Road to Red Feather Lakes.

      • West of Boulder? You mean west of Fort Collins?

      • Colorado Wellington says:

        No, Steve, I mean west of Boulder, between the city and Peak-to-Peak.
        Concerning Fort Collins, I was responding to your question about the Town of Wellington and describing my totally accidental relationship to it because of the various routes between my home and Red Feather Lakes. Over the decades I probably took all possible paths through and around Fort Collins. Sometimes I like to hug the foothills and go up through Masonville to Stove Prairie Road and Poudre Canyon. Other times I went out east and north all the way to Wellington.

    • Colorado, well you’re completely correct in the sense that idealogical and political groups don’t necessarily fall into neat pure left-right camps. NAZI’s are better described as nationalists. Hugo chavez is a nationalist. This is the problem with attempting to describe the NAZI party as ‘extreme right’. Categories aren’t so neat.

    • philjourdan says:

      Excellent explanation! I wish this would be posted at the beginning of every debate on “left vs. right”.

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