1970s Global Cooling Was A One In 524,000 Event

From team climate moron, comes this news – being touted by two of Texas’ most clueless.

U.S. heat over the past 13 months: a one in 1.6 million event

U.S. heat over the past 13 months: a one in 1.6 million event | Planet3.0

The way the statistical midget calculated this was by assuming that the odds of each month were one out of three, so he raised 3 to the thirteenth power and came up with 1.6 million.

Now I am going to apply the same math to the ice age scare of the 1970s. In 1974, the CIA reported that Eastern Canada had been below normal for 19 months in a row.


The odds of being below normal are one out of two. So if we raise two to the nineteenth power, we can conclude that the global cooling of the 1970s was a one in  524,288 event, colder than the last three or four ice ages! No wonder Hansen had to erase it!

These folks are dumber than a sack of rocks.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to 1970s Global Cooling Was A One In 524,000 Event

  1. jimash1 says:

    I will attempt to quote Dr Carl Sagan.
    “Given enough time and space, the improbable becomes merely inevitable”

  2. Cliff Maurer says:

    The obvious problem with the Planet3.0 statement is the assumption that the event of “the monthly average temperature being ranked among the warmest third of their historical distribution” occurring in one month is independent of the event occurring in the preceding month. The variable is not a random variable. The chance of the event occurring in any month increases with the increase in the number of successive previous months that the event had occurred.

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