A Potent Symbol That Alarmists Are Idiots

Eleven months ago our friends went hysterical over walruses in Alaska.

Aug 19, 2011

An extremely early sea ice melt-off has sent thousands of Pacific walruses onto the beaches of northwest Alaska, placing pups in danger of being crushed on the crowded shoreline for the fourth year out of the past five due to the abnormal weather conditions.

This year’s walrus haul-out, when the lumbering pinnipeds pull themselves ashore, comes a full three weeks earlier than last year’s — a potent symbol, environmental groups say — that global warming is at work.

Walruses haul-out three weeks early, global warming blamed

And today there is more ice than normal around Alaska.

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About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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17 Responses to A Potent Symbol That Alarmists Are Idiots

  1. John Silver says:

    Not idiots, just dirty commie rats.

  2. tckev says:

    Neat trick to use an animal for which the last population census was back in the 1990 and there are no modern records.
    has some great photos. Al Gore’s picture is in there somewhere.

  3. jak says:

    A small typo in the last sentence surely, Steven.

    You write: “And today there is more ice than normal around Alaska.”

    By which I presume you mean “And today there is less ice than normal around Alaska.”

    Try looking at the map above.

  4. ralphcramdo says:

    Cold winter, hot summer, early spring, late fall, everything is global warming.

  5. Robertvdl says:

    They have almost reached their goal, One World Dictatorship, and you call them Idiots. We are the Idiots to allow all this . They did their work perfect .

    • Robertvdl says:

      To all those Alarmists one thing. Hitler came to power thanks to the brownshirts (SA).
      They destabilised the nation. But once he was in power they were eliminated. If they don’t need your anymore but you know to much ……………….think of that. They too thought they belonged to the inner circle

      Night of the Long Knives

      • Shooter says:

        I’ve got your tinfoil hat here, buddy. Now why do conspiracy theorists constantly talk about Hitler? Godwin’s Law, and not to mention you sound like a Hitlerite. Lrn2history, buddy. The Nazis actually did some good things for Germany, whether you want to believe it or not.

    • ozspeaksupo says:

      without the net for freely available info..they might have managed to get away with it..
      however even the sheeple are getting restless, at last.
      thats why the huge drive to censor the net is underway,
      once to gain any past weather records it would have been a seriously hard task, if at all possible, now we CAN access and call em out on Lies!
      they simply can NOT be allowed to win.

    • Robertvdl says:

      Now they know who we are and where we live they can censor the net . If Osama Obama wins the next elections it won’t take long before a truck stops in front of your house to pick you up. The Bills are signed and FEMA is waiting in its summer camps.

      • Shooter says:

        LOLOL FEMA CAMPS?! AHAHAHAHA! Someone’s been watching Alex Jones. You really think FEMA camps exist? Those Illuminati people will have trouble with all the black people. Ever consider that?

        Crazy PCT. Grow up. No one is plotting against you.

  6. LOLOL FEMA CAMPS?! AHAHAHAHA! Someone’s been watching Alex Jones. You really think FEMA camps exist? Those Illuminati people will have trouble with all the black people. Ever consider that? —It looks to me the White people are the ones having trouble with the Blacks–dont be a dumbass

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