Alarmists Expected To Confuse Weather With Climate

Temperatures in Chattanooga region expected to outpace nation’s

A string of 100-plus-degree days is scorching the region.

Record-breaking heat burned 16 Tennessee counties and broke 25 heat records in 2011. The same year had record-breaking rainfall in 21 counties and a total of 27 broken rainfall records, along with seven more broken snowfall records.

It’s not random, and it’s not a fluke, according to experts. It’s climate change.

And in East Tennessee it’s going to get even hotter — perhaps hotter than the rest of the planet.

“Based on the various models we have in hand, we know this area is expected to heat up actually more than the entire globe is,” said Gregory Vickrey, director of the North Chickamauga Creek Conservancy. “If the average ambient temperature of the globe is going to be a minimum of 2 degrees Celsius higher, we’re going to face 2.8 degrees Celsius higher here — just in East Tennessee.”

That’s just over 5 degrees Fahrenheit.

Temperatures in Chattanooga region expected to outpace nation’s |

Complete nonsense. According to Phil Jones at CRU, temperatures in Chattanooga have seen no change since the start of records before the Civil War.

One of my kids attended a wedding in Tennessee earlier in the month, when  temperatures were running ten degrees below normal.  It turns hot for a couple days and the climate morons immediately assume that the world is coming to an end.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Alarmists Expected To Confuse Weather With Climate

  1. gofer says:

    “Georgia’s report, from a consultant, said that, in addition to losing crops and facing storm costs on its extensive rail, highway and airline transportation infrastructures, the state could lose billions of dollars and 5,000 jobs to a projected 20-inch rise in sea level along its 100-mile coastline.”

    But, North Carolina is going to see a 39″ rise……………….^

  2. DC Andy says:

    Despite the heatwave at the end of the month, Chattanooga was barely above normal for June, only .8 F degrees above normal.

  3. Marian says:

    “Alarmists Expected To Confuse Weather With Climate”

    Alarmists are always doing that. Warm weather = Climate to them. Cold weather is still just weather and doesn’t usually count. It’s pretty much the standard meme for them.

  4. tckev says:

    The Alarmists think last week is long enough, some say 30 years of weather shows the climate changing.
    IMO somewhere about two lifetimes gets you closer, and 400 years shows more details. Go back through thousands of years to see the bigger picture. None of which can accurately tell you where we’re headed soon; it just points you in the right general direction.

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