December 19th, 2009
In the case of the polar bear, the federal government’s most comprehensive study on the state of polar bears determined that there will be no polar bears left in Alaska by 2050 — hardly the “distant future.” This prediction is based on climate models that, if anything, underestimate the rate of sea-ice decline.
We can see the shocking sea ice decline in this image, taken at Barrow on July 22, 2012. The climate models predicted that the ice would retreat only 40 yards, when in fact it has retreated 50 yards. Even the strongest bears can’t swim more than 49 yards.
Barrow Webcam Alaska | Webcams
These same geniuses endorsed Obama for President in 2008, because the “nation needs a steady hand” and because he would give us a “budget surplus”
Obama for president Palin’s rise captivates us but nation needs a steady hand
Published: November 5th, 2008
It is easy to look at Sen. Obama and see a return to the smart, bipartisan economic policies of the last Democratic administration in Washington, which left the country with the momentum of growth and a budget surplus that President George Bush has squandered.
Obama for president: Campaign Commentary | Alaska news at
Still waiting for the Democrats to propose entitlement reform to restore fiscal responsibility.
Obama’s budget hasn’t gotten any votes since I think 3 years ago (budget for FY 2010).
49 yards? Is that for real? Polar Bears have been recorded miles out in open sea.