Being A Climate Scientist Means Never Having To Tell The Truth

Climate science has reached a new low, where many of its adherents no longer make any attempt to do anything other spew the desired answer.

New Reports Show Impact of Manmade Global Warming

Published: July 11th, 2012

By Andrew Freedman

The influence of manmade global warming on the climate system continues to grow, with human fingerprints identified in more than two dozen climate “indicators” examined by an international research team — from air temperatures to ocean acidity — for a comprehensive annual “State of the Climate” report released Tuesday.

The report notes that global warming has already been playing a role in shifting the odds for several of these extreme events, including the Texas drought. The 2011 growing season was by far the warmest and driest in Texas history, and the drought was the worst one-year drought on record there as well, costing billions in agricultural losses.

The study concluded that, due to manmade global warming, La Nina-related heat waves are now 20 times more likely to occur in Texas than they were 50 years ago.

New Reports Show Impact of Manmade Global Warming | Climate Central

The last paragraph is one of the stupidest ever written. La Nina is associated with cold global temperatures. Blaming La Nina on global warming is incomprehensibly dense.

But it is worse than it seems. Texas has never had a drought during an El Nino warm weather event. Global warming should bring less drought to Texas.

But it is even worse than that. The whole claim is complete bullshit. Hot summers in Texas were three times more common during the 1950s, as they have been during the past decade.

These people are making information up, without doing any research and without any basis in science.

USHCN Daily Data Texas Hottest 3 month periods 			
Rank	 Month	 Year	Max Temperature 
1	8	2011	99.75
2	8	1934	98.651
3	8	1918	98.0807
4	9	2011	98.0156
5	8	1980	97.6562
6	8	1925	97.5938
7	9	1954	97.3802
8	8	1956	97.2552
9	8	1954	97.099
10	8	1998	97.0365
11	9	1910	96.8151
12	8	1951	96.8073
13	8	1917	96.776
14	8	1910	96.737
15	8	1924	96.6224
16	8	1953	96.6198
17	9	1956	96.6094
18	8	1901	96.5312
19	8	1952	96.526
20	8	1948	96.4688

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Being A Climate Scientist Means Never Having To Tell The Truth

  1. tomwys says:

    You seem surprised at the fact that stuff is being “made up!”

  2. Brian G Valentine says:

    Mr Freedman has a personal vendetta against me, as part of the Washington Post Capital Weather Gang.

    I believe, Mr Friedman calls in Eli Wabbit to attempt to humiliate me when Mr Freedman’s limited expertise is strained

  3. I sadly have to agree that this is devolving from highly speculative science into pure junk science. I seem to recall back in 2009 the same group argued that the recent cold temperatures were simply “weather noise”. In order to establish how long the cold trend could plausibly last they looked at a few different climate models and reached the conclusion that none of them could explain 15 years of non-warming.*

    *This was BTW, assuming a 2C temperature rise by the year 2100. The IPCC predicts close to double that.

    • Marian says:

      Yes cold has been usually portrayed as weather noise. When too much of that cold winter weather started getting in the way of GW. It suddenly became proof of GW and what was expected by GWarmist Charlatans. Some of those Charlatans who GIGO mild winters all the time have jumped on the bandwagon of doing that also.. Most of the time Cold weather is just still portrayed as just weather while any warm weather or effects associated with warm weather are consistently portrayed as GW and CC.

  4. Ockham says:

    Freedman seems to think that explaining the current batch of record highs is ‘easy as pie’

  5. Eric Simpson says:

    Scotland misses greenhouse gas reduction targets due to ‘one of the coldest winters on record.’
    “Shall I point out the irony?” asks a reader.

  6. Crashex says:

    In 1988 Hansen looked at the coming ENSO cycle of more prominent El Ninos for the next 20 years and predicted “global warming”, capturing the rise in the natural cycle to attribute it to his pet theory and reap fame and fortune.

    The coming dominance of the La Nina phase of the cycle for the next 20 years will bring similarly predictable regional changes that can be exploited. Simply attribute the regional behavior expected from a dominance of La Nina to your pet theory and stand by to reap fame and fortune from the natural cycle.

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