Consensus Of Scientists Predicts World To Freeze

The experts tell us that Alaska is the canary in the coal mine for global warming.

Scientists say Alaska is like a canary in a coal mine, foreshadowing the types of changes we can expect for the rest of the world.

Scientific American Frontiers . Hot Times in Alaska. Canary in a Coal Mine | PBS

This is very disturbing news, because Alaska is having their coldest and shortest summer on record. It is already snowing in Barrow.

In Interior Alaska summer feels like it’s over. Meanwhile, Southcentral Alaska is in the middle of possibly the chilliest July ever, while Southeast has mournfully reported the lowest summer-time temperature recorded in over 65 years.

So how are residents of the icebox handling this “coldest-Alaskan-summer-ever” talk while many in the Lower 48 sizzle in record heat? After all, don’t Alaskans say this every summer?

KTUU reports that some residents are so fed up they’re looking for ways to get out of state in a quest for more sun.

The Fairbanks Daily News-Miner expresses resentment over this summer’s consecutive 60-degree days in Alaska’s second-largest city, which is normally known for 80 and 90s in the summer.

And then there’s Barrow, which as of July 15, has received the tell-tale sign of summer’s end — termination dust.

According to Sarah Nicely, program administrator at the North Slope Borough Mayor’s Office, there had been talk that it might snow around America’s northernmost town, but no one was seriously prepared for the dusting.

“I was leaving the mayor’s office to head on over to a camp and, as I was pulling out, I looked and I thought, ‘What is that?'” she told Alaska Dispatch’s Jill Burke. “I (had thought) it was going to rain, but I realized, ‘Oh my goodness, it’s snow!'”

Alaska weather: From snow in Barrow to 60 degrees in Fairbanks, just another cold summer | Alaska Dispatch

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to Consensus Of Scientists Predicts World To Freeze

  1. Eric Webb says:

    This is foreshadowing what’s probably coming to the U.S. this winter and fall, and just look to Antarctica, where temperatures have remained well below average since their winter began, and since the southern hemisphere has more water than the northern hemisphere, temperatures are being modified, and if you put the same conditions over the northern hemisphere, it will end up being colder, thanks to less water and more land (compared to southern hemisphere).

  2. Richard deSousa says:

    Did the interviewer/s get comments from the CAGW scientists about the above article? Probably not. Those CAGW scientists stubbornly cling to their belief that CO2 will continue to bring a catastrophic warming of the planet. These idiots don’t want to admit our sun and our oceans control our climate.

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