Electing Interlopers

Both Australia and the US chose to elect interlopers in their most recent elections. Perhaps it is a better idea to choose leaders who are not trying to destroy your country?

Unless of course your country is in a mood to commit suicide.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Electing Interlopers

  1. Robertvdl says:

    Lyndon LaRouche We Are Now Living on the Brink of Hell!


  2. Andy OZ says:

    Our first mistake down here was voting in a hung parliament, i.e. neither side won. Both major parties then negotiated with the Greens and independents and we ended up with a disaster where, by committing to a carbon tax, the Greens made Julia PM.
    The US is lucky you don’t have a bunch of far left Greens with the balance of power in Congress. You might end up with Tom Cruise as President!!!

    Of course, we do feel sorry that you have Obama running the economy……….into the ground.

    So I’ll take the dumbest tax in history (temporarily we hope) over a guy who seems intent on destroying most of your jobs (permanently), but there is not much difference between the two.

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