Football News

Spain hasn’t beaten Italy in a competitive match since just after World War I. For some reason, oddsmakers are favoring Spain. They made the same mistake with Germany, who have never beaten Italy in a tournament. Sometimes the experts are quite daft, even in football.

My prediction since before the semis was Italy 3 – Spain 2 and Balotelli scoring the winning goal. So far my prediction is two-thirds right, with the final third to be determined tomorrow.

Now I am going to throw in one more idea. Balotelli is a  free agent. Why doesn’t Barcelona pick him up? The Barca midgets desperately need a big aggressive striker. That would free up space for Messi and allow Barca to actually take corner kicks.

AC Milan proved that you can shut Messi down by not giving him any space, and Balotelli is just the guy to create it. Either Barcelona or Chelsea should pick up Balotelli. Man City has Toure and they don’t need Super-Mario. Barcelona and Chelsea do.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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15 Responses to Football News

  1. omnologos says:

    for the record, Spain has beaten Italy on penalties 4 years ago

  2. John Silver says:

    3-2? Ha!
    1-0 more likely. Or 0-1.

  3. Andy OZ says:

    Kudos Steve, will be watching the game at 2 AM down under time.

  4. Robertvdl says:

    Football News
    and you ask Why doesn’t Barcelona pick him up?

    Soon football (as we know it) will be something of the past (I hope)

    Football is just one more way that dictators have to control their populations..

  5. johnmcguire says:

    I was born in the glory days of sports in the forties. I watched the progression from intense competition among fair minded men , and a few women , to the doping and cheating that is now rampant among competitors. I no longer watch sports as I don’t care to view drugged up individuals unfairly taking advantage over their competition. I enjoy and support fair games among children and young adults but believe after a certain level in high school you need to grow up and contribute to society and quit playing games on other peoples money. Organized sports has become a farce and a burden wether you like it or not. It is now all about money.

  6. Robertvdl says:

    stevengoddard says:
    July 1, 2012 at 1:46 pm
    Germans used to make a habit of wrecking the lives of billions of people. Paying for football is a much cheaper option.

    The US is going to sponsor American Football al over the world

    The small world elite always knew how to divide and conquer. For them we are just cannon fodder.

    Now let us enjoy the game and remember that the universe would not miss us if tomorrow there would be no planet Earth.

  7. Steve, if we see anywhere near 5 goals in the finals we should start a new religion and appoint you a Supreme Seer.

    I hope you’re right but I am bracing myself for a 0-0 with endless passing in the middle. In case of a draw the main suspense for me will be Pirlo’s penalty execution. I think he’d shot more Panenkas than any major player lately but they include his failure against Barcelona. It would seem insanely risky if he did it again because nobody would blame him much if he failed in a conventional way. On the other hand Panenka himself remarked recently that his invention works best when nobody expects it and Pirlo is a cold-blooded shooter. I predict though he’d do something else.

    Time to go.

    • Looking like five goals so far. Maybe Spain 5 and Italy 0. Pirlo looks dazed and confused. Balotelli is thinking too much.

      • The way it unfolded it could easily have been even more than 5. I could not get to the internet during the first half but I already conceded that I was wrong and I was happy about it, too. Totally different match than what I feared. I wish Italy did not fall apart in the second but they just did not know what to do. I don’t remember a championship game where a team had a 2-0 lead and continued playing as offensively as Spain. Memorable.

      • Italy was simply awful. Pirlo had no clue the whole game. They had several chances and took terrible shots, Balotelli started playing as Spain`s 12th man in the second half.

        My favorite play of the match was Torres pass to Mata. He could have been the only player to score four in the tournament, but instead unselfishly gave the ball to his Chelsea teammate.

      • I yelled the same thing right there! He did not shoot. He passed. That makes him a great player even without the fourth goal.

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