He Even Looks Like A Banana Republic Dictator

After Chavez dies, perhaps Obama can take over in Venezuela?

Obama presses claim that Romney outsourced jobs to China and India | World news | guardian.co.uk

Even the Guardian has figured out that Obama is a liar.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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13 Responses to He Even Looks Like A Banana Republic Dictator

  1. suyts says:

    Lmao! If the Guardian isn’t going to front for him then I hope he keeps it up. Personally, I don’t believe Obama has the capacity to distinguish between off shoring, out sourcing, or job creation.

  2. Eric Simpson says:

    Ironic that O tries to hit Romney for outsourcing jobs, when behind the scenes O is trying to outsource our very govt and sovereignty to the leftist United Nations. Arguably, we as citizens have already outsourced the job of president of the U.S..

  3. What business experience does Obama have again?

  4. gofer says:

    A moron has an IQ of 50 to 70.

    An imbecile has an IQ of 25 to 50.

    An idiot has an IQ under 25: Mental age of 3 (or less).

    A fool can have any IQ.

  5. Brian says:

    I wish Carlin and Hicks were still around to trash him good.

  6. Brian says:


    Morgan Freeman says Obama is not the first black president. He is the mixed president. Samuel Jackson also says he voted for Obama because he is black… He actually didn’t care much for what Obama would do:

    “I also recall other celebrities, like Samuel L. Jackson saying outright that he voted for Obama because he was black, telling Ebony magazine in the March issue this year:

    “I voted for Barack because he was black. ’Cuz that’s why other folks vote for other people — because they look like them,” Jackson said. “That’s American politics, pure and simple. [Obama’s] message didn’t mean sh-t to me. In the end, he’s a politician. I just hoped he would do some of what he said he was gonna do.”

  7. Robertvdl says:

    Obama’s Social Security Number challenged

    The question is , is there still justice in America.
    Without justice, there can only be tyranny.

  8. Andy DC says:

    He is a joke. But he sure knows how to rally his base. With so many self proclaimed victims and so many feeding at the trough, he is not going to be easy to defeat.

  9. Eric Simpson says:

    CA’s “anti-AZ immigration bill”
    As O moves to make illegal immigration legal on a national level, hotair reports that CA’s senate passed a bill that criminalizes deporting illegals for any reason, other than felony level crimes (and then they’d just stream back!). My comment:
    What is happening is that CA, with the coalition of white libs and Hispanics (now 40%+), is essentially becoming a state of Mexico. Really. Soon, illegals will not only not be checked, but be allowed to immigrate freely, without restriction. True. All the friends and relatives of the marginally legal and illegal will pour across the border in droves.

    CA will quickly become saturated with fast-breeding illegals. Problem for the rest of the country is that CA then becomes a staging ground for them to spread out en masse to all the other states. We might want to cordon off CA, or remove it as a state. Consider it.
    (Back to 49 states. Better than 82 states [with the 31 mexican states added as U.S. states].)

  10. Brian says:

    Anti-Obama Journalist Joseph Farah claims he is being watched by a drone:


  11. Eric Webb says:

    Haha, Banana Republic Dictator, sounds like that Bloons tower defense game. I surely hope america makes the right choice in 2012.

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