How The Hockey Stick Works

Like Briffa’s trees, the National Academy Of Sciences 1975 report showed that temperatures were plummeting since 1940.

Briffa’s trees in green below.

The 1990 IPCC report showed that temperatures were warmer during the MWP, and had been flat since 1940.

Even Hansen said in 1999 that there wasn’t much going on.

Empirical evidence does not lend much support to the notion that climate is headed precipitately toward more extreme heat and drought.

NASA GISS: Science Briefs: Whither U.S. Climate?

But the year 2000 breathed new life into the global warming charlatans. Hansen adjusted the temperatures upwards, and then Mann overwrote the tree ring data with Hansen’s phony temperatures.

After obliterating the temperature record and all sense of scientific integrity, they went on a speaking tour. And it was bad.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to How The Hockey Stick Works

  1. Eric Simpson says:

    I have to say that this post represents perhaps the best concise layman friendly summary of the hockey stick fraud that I’ve ever seen! No kidding. Awesome.
    So this will almost certainly become a post that I link to in making my “two points” argument: 1) there is nothing unusual about current temps, as the hockey stick fabrication was debunked (link to this page!). So, that means that there is nothing wrong with the climate! And Point # 2: contrary to what the ipcc claimed, there is no evidence that CO2 affects the climate.

    Also, the Science News article on global cooling that you link to has a little tidbit that can be seen as an ominous and scarcely noticed precursor to the warmist takeover:

    [1975] The National Academy.. has proposed increasing the annual budget for climate research from $18 million to $67 million.. with emphasis on studying climatological records and developing computerized models to allow prediction of what effects human activities may have on climate.

    And what may have first been allocated to study cooling became the seed capital for warmists. Like a cultist takeover, they spread their propaganda throughout the halls of govt. And similar to a virus that takes over a cell, the warmists commandeered the govt’s funding mechanisms, and worldwide literally trillions of $ were allocated to “research,” recruitment, and institution building. And therein lies the source of the gargantuan problem that we face today.

  2. It’s curious how people who promote particular theories also get to adjust the data sets to align with their claims. It’s sort of like letting researchers who create new drugs to also approve their use.

  3. Lance says:

    and the MSM promote it….

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