July 2009 was 12.2 degrees colder than July, 1936. Illinois residents can see climate change from their house.
Illinois, Temperature, July 1895-2011
July 2009 was 12.2 degrees colder than July, 1936. Illinois residents can see climate change from their house.
Illinois, Temperature, July 1895-2011
Illinois?!? You choose 0.04% of the world’s surface to make a point about GLOBAL temperatures? Why not choose the smallest town in that state and then find the smallest back yard and then make your analysis from that?
I’m sorry. Four days of hot weather and a thunderstorm in DC is a more realistic gauge of climate than a 130 year trend.
Trenberth doesn’t need that much, he just looks out of the window 2 days in a row.
What is even more realistic than that is looking at the 130 year trend for global temperatures.
BTW can you put up every states’ long term trends for July? Now that would be interesting.
Whatever – You can click the link and put in whatever state you want. The trend will be up for most of the states, as well as the Lower 48, but the key point in my opinion is how much natural variability drowns out any possible effect of AGW.
Nonsense. You are looking at USHCN adjusted data. The raw data shows most of the US cooling since 1930.