July 4th Grinch In Fort Collins

We had no fireworks in Fort Collins. The city called off the show (which takes place a in a large, heavily watered city park) because they were concerned about fire.

The reason I am writing this post now is because it is raining too hard to ride to the store. Eventually government will make the world completely safe by plugging us in and giving us all little red and blue pills.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to July 4th Grinch In Fort Collins

  1. Eric Simpson says:

    Yes, what incredible wusses everyone is. What ever happened to the frontier spirit in this country? It’s been crushed by the anal retentive manicured libs who are the mother of all killjoys.

    And you point out what is Obama’s health plan. Let the govt “experts” research the costs and effectiveness of the red and blue pills, and if the red pill is too expensive or you don’t meet some Affirmative Action criteria or you’re too old, then you get the blue pill, a placebo. Another way of putting it: you get the shaft.

  2. Pathway says:

    Just as the Soviets made it safe for everyone to drink vodka until they passed out, because they couldn’t stand the depression of living in the good old USSR.

  3. to be fair, though, the downpour in FoCo was the first in how long? Think the City Park planners can simply turn on a dime? Not to mention the damned-if-you-do-or-don’t perception issues..

    • To be fair, the closest pine forest to City Park is about three miles away, and it rains heavily there every night from the sprinklers. The fire danger was no higher than any other year.

      Loveland had fireworks and as far as I can tell, they didn’t burn down.

  4. Andy DC says:

    Now they cancel football games if there is lightning within 20 miles of the stadium. Used to be men were men and (American) football would go on regardless of weather. Blizzards, sub-zero cold, drenching rain, storm force winds were all part of football lore. Could you imagine another Ice Bowl in -15 weather? No, of course not. They would cancel the game or move it to a domed stadium.

    The Red Sox played a baseball game during the 1938 Hurricane. Fly balls to center field got blown back into the stands. Could you imagine that now?

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