Mr. Praline: ‘Ello, Miss?
Owner: What do you mean “miss”?
Mr. Praline: I’m sorry, I have a cold. I wish to make a complaint!
Owner: We’re closin’ for lunch.
Mr. Praline: Never mind that, my lad. I wish to complain about this sea level report what I purchased not half an hour ago from this very boutique.
Owner: Oh yes, the, uh, one foot of sea level rise in the next 20 years…What’s,uh…What’s wrong with it?
Mr. Praline: I’ll tell you what’s wrong with it, my lad. ‘sea level`s not rising, that’s what’s wrong with it!
Owner: No, no, ‘e’s uh,…it’s resting.
Mr. Praline: Look, matey, I know a junk science report when I see one, and I’m looking at one right now.
Owner: No no sea level`s not dead, it’s, it’s restin’! Remarkable molecule, the CO2, idn’it, ay? Beautiful plumage!
Mr. Praline: The plumage don’t enter into it. It’s stone dead.
Owner: Nononono, no, no! ‘E’s resting!
Mr. Praline: All right then, if he’s restin’, I’ll wake him up! (shouting at the cage) ‘Ello, Mister CO2! I’ve got a lovely fresh cuttle fish for you if you
show…(owner hits the tide gauge)
Owner: There, he moved!
Mr. Praline: No, he didn’t, that was you hitting the tide gauge!
Owner: I never!!
Mr. Praline: Yes, you did!
Owner: I never, never did anything…
Mr. Praline: (yelling and hitting the cage repeatedly) ‘ELLO POLLY!!!!! Testing! Testing! Testing! Testing! This is your nine o’clock alarm call!
(Takes tide gauge out of the enclosure and thumps its head on the counter. Throws it up in the air and watches it plummet to the floor.)
Mr. Praline: Now that’s what I call a dead trend.
Owner: No, no…..No, ‘e’s stunned!
Mr. Praline: STUNNED?!?
Owner: Yeah! You stunned him, just as he was wakin’ up! tide gauges stun easily, major.
Mr. Praline: Um…now look…now look, mate, I’ve definitely ‘ad enough of this. That trend is definitely deceased, and when I purchased it not ‘alf an hour
ago, you assured me that its total lack of movement was due to it bein’ tired and shagged out following a prolonged squawk.Owner: Well, he’s…he’s, ah…probably pining for the fjords.
Mr. Praline: PININ’ for the FJORDS?!?!?!? What kind of talk is that?, look, why did he fall flat on his back the moment I got ‘im home?
Owner: CO2 molecule prefers keepin’ on it’s back! Remarkable bird, id’nit, squire? Lovely plumage!
Mr. Praline: Look, I took the liberty of examining that report when I got it home, and I discovered the only reason that it had been going up in the first place was that you had been making numbers up.
Owner: Well, o’course I was making numbers up! If I hadn’t made numbers up, no one would have paid attention
Mr. Praline: “VOOM”?!? Mate, this trend wouldn’t “voom” if you put four million volts through it! ‘E’s bleedin’ demised!
Owner: No no! ‘E’s pining!
Mr. Praline: ‘E’s not pinin’! ‘E’s passed on! This trend is no more! He has ceased to be! ‘E’s expired and gone to meet ‘is maker! ‘E’s a stiff! Bereft of life, ‘e rests in peace! If you hadn’t nailed ‘im to the perch ‘e’d be pushing up the daisies! ‘Is metabolic processes are now ‘istory! ‘E’s off the twig! ‘E’s kicked the bucket, ‘e’s shuffled off ‘is mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin’ choir invisibile!! THIS IS AN EX-TREND!!
Disrupting the Borg is expensive and time consuming!
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- arn on “Siberia might stay livable”
Thick ice on Bearing Sea confirmed. “This year’s record-breaking sea ice is the primary culprit…”
Steven there’s an interesting report (IMO) –
A paper published today in the Journal of Geophysical Research reports that the computer-modeled effect of stratospheric water vapor upon the climate [“radiative forcing”] varies by up to 96% between various computer model codes.
HansenSoft variables running riot ?
‘Scam, Scam, Scam, Scam, Scam, Egg, Scam, Bacon, Scam, Tomatoes, Rising Sea Level and Scam.’
….[Male choir]
Lovely scam, wonderful sca-a-m,
Lovely scam, wonderful S Scam,
…..[womanly pitched voice]
Shut up,
…………….[screaming] SHUT UP!
Bloody warmists!
Ah, the good ol’ days, when the only profit-induced fear they shoveled down our ear canals was the imminent ice age….well, that and the Russians…