New York Times : Thousands Of Square Miles Of The US Underwater By 2100

And the calculations suggest that the rise could conceivably exceed six feet, which would put thousands of square miles of the American coastline under water and would probably displace tens of millions of people in Asia.

As Glaciers Melt, Science Seeks Data on Rising Seas –

My calculations suggest that scientists are making a ton of money lying about sea level.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to New York Times : Thousands Of Square Miles Of The US Underwater By 2100

  1. Ivan says:

    These guys are doing quite nicely out of it – thank you very much:
    “Grant for the purpose of enhacing knowledge of climate change impacts in Pacific Island countries and East Timor and building capacity within these countries to understand, and act upon, this knowledge

  2. Ivan says:

    …or this bunch of numpties:
    “Grant for the purpose of enhacing knowledge of climate change impacts in Pacific Island countries and East Timor and building capacity within these countries to understand, and act upon, this knowledge.” (Could swear I read that somewhere else….)

  3. Ivan says:

    …or this:
    “To assist CSIRO to: advance observations and analysis of oceanic, terrestrial and atmospheric climate processes; progress development of the Australian Community Climate and Earth System Simulator (ACCESS); and further develop Australian climate projections.”

  4. ozspeaksup says:

    fire the Liar and the greens and look at the Immediate debt reduction for aus…
    the elections cant come soon enough!

  5. Andy DC says:

    Since nothing is happening now and since most of us will be long dead by 2100, the prediction is totally meaningless. There is no way to prove or disprove it, any more than little green men from Neptune who are planning to invade in 2100.

  6. gofer says:

    Climate science has become the equivalent of the show, “Chasing UFOs”.

  7. Billy Liar says:

    I’m thinking that pretty much the whole of the American coastline is under water (twice a day).

    thousands of square miles of the American coastline

    How do you measure coastline in square miles?

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