Nineteen Of The Top Twenty US Extended Heatwaves Occurred Below 350 PPM

Based on USHCN daily raw maximum temperatures.

Hottest 5 month periods in the US			
Rank	Month	Year	Temperature 
1	9	1936	85.4938
2	9	1934	84.9094
3	9	1939	84.1594
4	9	1931	83.9594
5	9	1933	83.8344
6	9	1952	83.6125
7	9	1937	83.45
8	9	1911	83.3859
9	9	1922	83.3766
10	10	1931	83.3625
11	10	1936	83.3375
12	9	1988	83.3156
13	9	1930	83.2594
14	9	1953	83.1406
15	9	1921	83.0953
16	9	1998	83.0344
17	9	1980	83.0312
18	9	1925	82.9984
19	9	1914	82.9578
20	9	1955	82.9531

The 1930s were much hotter, and it is genuinely revolting how people at NOAA and GISS are rewriting history.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Nineteen Of The Top Twenty US Extended Heatwaves Occurred Below 350 PPM

  1. johnmcguire says:

    Ah , the life of a farmer. We don’t make a lot of money but we have a life style that is more enjoyable than the one king David lived. Sittin here at almost 10 oclock drinking a glass of homemade blueberry melomel after a good days work and thanking God for his blessings is the way to do it. Thanks again Steven for the work you do and the effort you put into getting the truth out for others to read. If I can make it to Colorado this winter I’d like to reward you with a mixed case of various home made wines. You can’t buy wines of this quality as the cost of producing them would be prohibitive unless you charged some really serious money. I think you and Anthony Watts deserve to get a representative sample for your courage and perserverence. We have some good stuff maturing this winter and we will see about getting you some.

  2. colderside says:

    Convincing the ignorant that “extreme weather events” are recent phenomena seems to be the AGW mantra.

    True: Over the past 15 years we can intimately track EVERY Tornado that forms, even in the most remote areas. So “Duh” there are “record” Tornadic outbreaks compared to even the recent past.

    Ask older relatives/friends about Hurricane Andrew, or the Great New England Hurricane, or the Great Galvaston Hurricane!!! Recent storms are more akin to Atmospheric sneezes!!!

    Thermometer siting, UHI augmentation, TOD “adjustments,” GIA monkey business, etc., etc., all contribute to the “Keep ’em Alarmed” syndrome that sells newspapers and compels TV news viewing. Even closing the NYC Subways for a chicken storm last year was part of theoderm mix of Hype & SuperHype.

    Intelligent Analysis???


  3. HL says:


    It is not obvious (to me) what the numbers 9 and 10 signify
    in the second column. Are the temperatures as
    posted in the last column the means for daily average
    temperatures over a five consecutive months in the
    stated years? Surely the 9 and 10 do not signify
    the months of September and October, or do they?

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