Obama : Mitt Romney Caused Him To Be The Worst President In History

Fox News says that Obama is a skeptic

Mitt Romney insists that he stepped down from his private equity firm years earlier than federal records indicate, but President Barack Obama is more than a little skeptical and says his Republican rival has much to explain.

A new ad from Obama’s campaign repeated the charges that the firm shipped American jobs to China and Mexico; that Romney has personal wealth in investments in Switzerland, Bermuda and the Cayman Islands; and that as Massachusetts governor, he sent state jobs to India.

Mitt Romney’s not the solution. He’s the problem,” the ads says as Romney is heard singing “America the Beautiful.”

Obama unrelenting on bashing Romney’s job record | Fox News

The graph below shows unemployment in Massachusetts while Romney was governor. It declined to near historic lows, while Obama has done the exact opposite.

Obama has done more borrowing than all other presidents combined, yet his trillion dollar stimulus program did worse than what he predicted would happen if we did nothing.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Obama : Mitt Romney Caused Him To Be The Worst President In History

  1. Robertvdl says:

    I don’t think this blog will survive 4 more years of Osama Obama & Co but than ‘free’ America or what is left of it, will not survive 4 more years of Osama Obama. & Co. But don’t tell me he is the mastermind behind all this he is just the Teleprompter-in-Chief


    • Eric Webb says:

      That’s gold there, and just proves that many in the government, some of the same people who support this lie, don’t even believe it.

  2. slimething says:

    What makes anyone think what we have currently economically is not what Obama wants?

  3. Bellerophon says:

    Unemployment would be worse if labor force participation had not dropped to record lows… and stayed there. http://gregmankiw.blogspot.com/2012/07/monitoring-so-called-recovery.html See here for an update to the unemployment rate chart that shows it would be at 10.9%. http://www.aei-ideas.org/2012/07/did-the-2009-stimulus-really-perform-just-as-team-obama-expected/

  4. Andy DC says:

    Obama has no qualms about hitting below the belt, but that is nothing new in American Politics. Where did that stimulus money go? Did anybody catch a whiff of it before it was thrown down a rat hole?

    • Eric Simpson says:

      Did anybody catch a whiff of it before it was thrown down a rat hole? Excellent soundbite!

      A whiff? Not many, except as I have said, the “stimulus” was the greatest one time highway robbery ever perpetrated on the American people, an arguably criminal diversion of nearly a trillion $ to the president’s “green” campaign donors and union supporters.
      Yes, O hits below the belt, that’s predictable, and par for the course. Question is, is Romney man enough to hit back HARD so he can win. Frankly, it is typically the most effective mudslinger that wins campaigns. This has been true for decades running, and it hasn’t changed yet. That’s politics. If we learned anything from the pathetic McCain campaign it was that Romney should drop like a hot potato the syrupy cloying idealistic notion of running a “decent” campaign. McCain wanted to “win clean,” but like “clean energy”… that’s not going to happen. Hit back with ferocity against O, or lose!

  5. tckev says:

    from http://sweetness-light.com/archive/obama-shows-his-total-ignorance-about-business
    CHARLIE ROSE: “Do you believe [Romney’s] presidency would be a disaster? Because this is a man who’s been a successful businessperson. Does that disqualify him … ?”

    OBAMA: “Well, I do not think at all it disqualifies him. But I also think it’s important if that’s his main calling card, if his basic premise is that ‘I’m Mr. Fix-It on the economy, because I made a lot of money.’”

    ROSE: “But that’s not what he’s saying.”

    OBAMA: “Well, no, that is to some degree. What he says is he understands the economy and the private sector … I think it is entirely appropriate to look at that record and see whether, in fact, … his focus was creating jobs and he successfully did that. And when you look at the record, there are questions there that have to be asked. …

    So, once again, Obama shows that he thinks the “focus” of the private sector should be to provide jobs.
    IMO In the non-communist world, the main obligation of any business is to make money – generating jobs is a side-effect of its success.

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