Obama’s Scenario F

It is all Bush’s fault. It has nothing to do with Obama being incompetent.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Obama’s Scenario F

  1. Eric Webb says:

    I think Woodrow Wilson was worse than Carter, but Obama beats them all, especially considering he has accumulated more debt than every president before him, combined.

  2. scizzorbill says:

    Obumster only appears to be incompetent, to us anyway. He hates the middle class. Despises small business, calls them “the enemy”. Is following the Communist Manifesto/Alinsky/Castro/Hitler etc. program to establish a totalitarian government with himself as supreme ruler which means first, bringing America to it’s knees.

    Meanwhile, back at the White House, he has to convince us that he is doing the right thing to get the economy back on track while simultaneously ignoring the Constitution, and using a giant wrecking ball to pummel us into submission. Not an easy task this election year.

  3. ralphcramdo says:

    It’s not Obama that’s stupid if he gets reelected.

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