Shock News : Melting Greenland To Drown The Coasts – International Agency Needed!


Hansen has of course erased this warm period – because he has spent tens of thousands of hours studying how to be a real climate scientist.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Shock News : Melting Greenland To Drown The Coasts – International Agency Needed!

  1. gofer says:

    There’s nothing new under the sun, especially in the area of climate alarmism. Apparently “History of Climate 101” was skipped by Hansen and the “Team.”

  2. Andy DC says:

    There have always been climate kooks, but only with the advent of the Enviornmental Extremist Wacko movement, coinciding with the Summer of Love and Woodstock, did they become a serious force. Now we sit in traffic for untold hours, wasting millions of gallons of fuel, because the Wackos have stopped construction of most new roads over the last 40+ years.

  3. ozspeaksup says:

    say what??
    a 10 degree rise in 54 years?
    and we now have managed a paltry .6 or so?
    with all our extra fuel use cars etc etc..
    Gentlemen..start your engines please. 🙂

  4. Billy Liar says:

    The 2004 Vilhjálmur Stefánsson Memorial Lecture
    Akureyri, Iceland 9 September, 2004

    The results of his glaciological work left no doubt: the weather was getting warmer.
    Indeed, they were so stunning that he was invited to lecture tours in Norway, and in England,
    where his ideas received a particular popularity: Ahlmann’s “climate embetterment” would
    finally rid the British of their cool summers, and newspapers ran cartoons of pale Britons with
    bare legs. In the United States Ahlmann made it to the TIME Magazine in 1952, which is rare
    for scientists.

    [my emphasis]

  5. Billy Liar says:

    Really screwed that formatting up 🙁

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