Half of the US is forecast to have below normal temperatures, a few days after the experts declared we were having a 1936 repeat.
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All the Climate Clowns (coined by Joe Bastardi) will be vacationing next week and not available for comment, except the usual suspects will make some ludicrous statements backed-up with, “I’m a Climate (clown) Scientist”, trust me.
All the Climate Clowns… Ok, let’s think of some. Deceivers, Bullshit Artists, [Climate- / Eco- / Enviro- -nuts -fascists -loons -freaks -clowns -radicals], Prophets of Doom, doomsayers, fear / scare-mongers, peddlers / purveyors of -bullshit -fear -deception -propaganda -lies -mumbo jumbo -idiocy, Chicken Littles, Cry Wolfers, doom and gloomers, alarmists, bamboozlers, these masters of deception…, BSers, leftists, left wingers, baloneyists, outright liars, Orwellian double-talkers, propagandists, Mumbo Jumbo Specialists, dipshits.
Add your ideas here so we have a good reference.
Demoniacs, murderers, cowards, hippies, barbarians, spin-doctors, technocrats; active enablers of all the above. Or, if you want just one phrase: practitioners of the New Science.
Surely that’s ordained practitioners of the New Science.
It means they have a PHD errr something on a piece of paper.
Nice heatwave for the modern era of benign summers, but no 1936 or even 1954. DC might take out their all time record on Saturday, giving the alarmists a reason to wet their pants. But they wet their pants all the time anyhow, so no one will know the difference.
If they do wet their pants, the heat will dry them relatively quick. Just a thought.
BWHAHAHAHAHAHA, how can that happen when they do it continually?:lol:
I’ve heard of the Gore Effect before but never the “expert” effect.
You will enjoy this
Reason for our wet weather is you hot weather.
If you can stop it raining in the UK Steve I will agree to you saying it is not hot in the USA
With any luck maybe this contrived alarmist propaganda blitz will blow up in their collective (pun intended) warmist faces.
These sorts of claims remind me of the movie Tropic Thunder:
Kirk Lazarus: Everybody knows you never go full retard.
Tugg Speedman: What do you mean?
Kirk Lazarus: Check it out. Dustin Hoffman, ‘Rain Man,’ look retarded, act retarded, not retarded. Counted toothpicks, cheated cards. Autistic, sho’. Not retarded. You know Tom Hanks, ‘Forrest Gump.’ Slow, yes. Retarded, maybe. Braces on his legs. But he charmed the pants off Nixon and won a ping-pong competition. That ain’t retarded. Peter Sellers, “Being There.” Infantile, yes. Retarded, no. You went full retard, man. Never go full retard. You don’t buy that? Ask Sean Penn, 2001, “I Am Sam.” Remember? Went full retard, went home empty handed…
I’m just glad there is finally some pink over my little corner of the country. It’s been crap here most of this year.
But golly gee gang why did that CEO of Exxon tell us last week that human driven climate change was real?? I thought at least we could count on a swell guy like that to make fun of all those scientists and their facts….but he did say not to worry because we humans are cool and can adapt to anything…so I took my asthmatic kid, whose condition was exacerbated by inner city diesel fumes, off his inhaler and sure enough his vestigial gill slits are opening up nice a wide to take in more air!!
The CEO of Exxon doesn’t know anymore about “climate change” than you do. Where did you get that diesel fumes caused your claimed kid’s asthma, the Pacific Institute?
What does asthma & diesel fumes have to do with “human driven climate change,” or do you just lump them all together because ya know…man is evil?
“But golly gee gang why did that CEO of Exxon tell us last week that human driven climate change was real?? ”
why? to appease the idiots out there clearly. The Exxon CEO would have been universally attacked by the warmist clowns had he said otherwise. If you can’t beat’em join’em.
But it is still urgent I supose
But the drought will worsen in most of the country.
70% of the extreme drought in the US is in Colorado, and we are forecast to get slammed with cold and heavy rain.
Even if it did, still doesn’t even compare to the droughts in the 1920s and 30s.