Washington Post Statistics Quiz

According to Jason Samenow at the Washington Post, which string of temperatures is the worse heat wave?


or 1930?

July 19    102
July 20    106
July 21    103
July 22    100
July 23     94
July 24     93
July 25    100
July 26    100

August 3    100
August 4    102
August 5    102
August 6     88
August 7     97
August 8    104
August 9    102

1930 was much hotter than 2012, but using Samenow lies, damned lies, and statistics,  2012 is hotter.

h/t to Andy DC

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to Washington Post Statistics Quiz

  1. John B., M.D. says:

    Suggest send this to Jason Samenow at WaPo.

  2. Sparks says:

    You may have this photo already but I’ll post it for you in case.

    April 14, 1935 dust storm approaching Spearman, Texas.



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