Why Are US Scientists Lying About Sea Level?

Two reports came out recently making wildly inaccurate claims about sea level.

The first claimed that sea level was going to rise 12 inches in California over the next twenty years. Yet satellites show that sea level has been falling in California for the past twenty years. The authors are either incompetent or lying.

MSL_Map_MERGED_Global_IB_RWT_NoGIA_Adjust.png (1136×702)

The second claimed that sea level in the Northeast US was rising much faster than average for the planet. Yet satellites show that the entire US coastline has experienced below average (3mm/year) sea level rise over the past twenty years.

Once again, the authors are either incompetent or they are lying.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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One Response to Why Are US Scientists Lying About Sea Level?

  1. Because (a) the importance of their research field is minimal unless there is a potential crisis that requires continued funding. And (b) because the IPCC got away with it too so far.

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