Why Can’t DC Use Renewable Energy?

Obama has been working to destroy the US electricity supply, and telling us that we all need to switch over to Solyndra based energy.

Daybreak Sunday found 789,358 in the Washington region still without power, facing another sweltering day and the prospect of returning to work Monday before electricity is restored to their homes.

– The Washington Post

Why can’t they use personal biomass to cool their homes? Obama has been (de-)powering the US off his BS for almost four years now.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Why Can’t DC Use Renewable Energy?

  1. johnmcguire says:

    I find it difficult to have sympathy for people in the DC area, at least those connected with government. They have been steadly eroding and interfering in the quality of life of decent hard working people ever since the sixties by imposing socialism and slowly introducing measures that took liberty. I don’t wish them pain but I don’t particularly feel sorry for them either. After all they are some of those who vote for the crap we have in office now. Little socialist pawns.

    • DC Andy says:

      I live in the DC area, had no power, air conditioning (with temps near 100), cable TV, hot water or Internet since Friday. And I never have done one thing in my life to erode liberty and impose socialism, as I don’t work for the Government. You should at leat feel sorry for me!

  2. John B., M.D. says:

    If they all had solar cells on their roofs, they would have electricity, as long as winds didn’t rip them off the roofs.

  3. Blade says:

    Daybreak Sunday found 789,358 in the Washington region still without power, facing another sweltering day and the prospect of returning to work Monday before electricity is restored to their homes.

    Not quite enough to improve the country. A prolonged blackout in the District of Criminals would be an actual improvement.


    • Independent says:

      Unfortunately downtown DC was one of the places least affected (they don’t have above-ground power lines). It’s us poor folks out here in the suburbs, not the rich K Street types, who had to suffer. Not that it was all that terrible – sure, it was hot, but that’s what basements are for, or visiting a nice air-conditioned museum. Crazy storm though, you wouldn’t believe how many branches came down, and really big ones too – not surprising there were a lot of power outages. I just got mine back this morning after being out since Friday.

    • Blade says:

      One easy cure for America would be to ban the use of air-conditioners for humans (exception for archives of important documents) within the District of Criminals. Then we would instantly be returned to the 19th century mindset of a part-time Congress that got the hell out of dodge when the heat arrives. Pull the air-conditioners and watch them scurry like rats from a burning building.

      I believe the first air-conditioner of note was a prototype brought in to comfort the dying President Garfield as he wasted a way for several months after the assassination attempt.

      Ironically shortly thereafter, Vice-President Arthur would become the first likely non-Natural-Born-Citizen to illegally hold the office.

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