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Daily Archives: August 6, 2012
The Legacy Of The Welsh Witch
CAN’T ARGUE WITH A GRAPH | Daily Telegraph Tim Blair Blog h/t to Tom Nelson
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Ratio Of Record Highs To Lows Peaked During The 1930s
The graph shows the July ratio of all-time record highs to lows for all USHCN stations with records going back to at least 1930. The three highest years were 1936, 1980 and 1934 The interesting thing about 1936 is that February of … Continue reading
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Visualizing The Petermann Nonsense
Every few years, a chunk of ice calves off the Petermann glacier in Greenland and floats away. That is what glaciers do, when they reach the sea. The image below is from 2010 The glacier then advances and another chunk breaks off – like this summer. Each time this … Continue reading
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I Don’t Care Where Obama Was Born
I do care that he has lied about where he was born at various times in his life. From reading his book, I’m not sure that even he knows.
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Another Massacre In A Gun Free Zone
Seven people were shot and killed today at a Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wis., in what officials are treating as a case of domestic terrorism. Though police have not given any details on the identity or motive of the … Continue reading
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November 4, 2008 : Nigerian Newspaper Listed Barack Obama As Being Born In Kenya
Taken straight off their web site. Nigerian Observer Online Edition
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Miriam And Barry
Between 1991 and 2007, Miriam Goderich was promoting Barack Obama’s writing, and in particular his biography – Dreams from My Father which was published in 1995. This book made Obama rich. In all of her promotional literature starting in 1991, … Continue reading
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June 27, 2004 : Leading Kenyan Newspaper Said Obama was Born In Kenya
Kenyan-born Obama all set for US Senate It was archived on June 27, 2004, the date of the article and long before Obama announced his plans to run for President. http://web.archive.org/web/20040627142700/eastandard.net/headlines/news26060403.htm Why did a Kenyan newspaper say that Obama was born in Kenya? This … Continue reading
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Presidential Glossary
That isn’t a tax. It is a penalty Assume it is the white person’s fault, until the polls turn against you Prosperity – borrow trillions of dollars from the Chinese, and use it to pay for campaign donation kickbacks to my supporters Green energy – borrow trillions of dollars from … Continue reading
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“The Kenyan bowed his head because he knew that he’d been beat”
“In my 75 years on Earth, it’s never been as clear-cut as it is now,” Daniels said. “We’re either going to go into socialism, where part of the people work and the rest of them don’t, and the ones that … Continue reading
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