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Daily Archives: August 7, 2012
Guardian : Muller Now Controls Your Mind
The converted skeptic who said last year that he never was a skeptic, now controls your mind. Climate change study forces sceptical scientists to change minds | Environment | The Guardian
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Tom’s TOBS Nature Trick
In Menne at al 2009, they claim that the TOBS adjustments in USHCN2 are the same as in USHCN1. Nice story but it isn’t true. ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/ushcn/v2/monthly/menne-etal2009.pdf Note in the graph above that the TOBS adjustment continues to rise from 1990 to the present. In … Continue reading
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Back To 1991 With Miriam And Barry
Barry was fresh out of school and looking to make some money from writing. He was noticed by Jane Dystel who offered to take him under her wing. Barry became her client, and Miriam Goderich put together the promotional booklet … Continue reading
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Smoking Gun That TOBS Adjustments Are Garbage
You can’t make this stuff up. USHCN2 bumped all Oklahoma temperatures up by 0.8 degrees between 1996 and 1998 due to claimed TOBS adjustments. This is incredible to begin with, but particularly spectacular because they report no changes in temperature observation time, for any station in Oklahoma … Continue reading
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More Madness From The USHCN Data Tamperers
To help visualize what a mess we are dealing with, check out these graphs. In last month’s version, they were adjusting 2012 upwards by more than 2.5 degrees relative to 1902. Now look at the August version. All data from … Continue reading
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Canada Gets Ripped Off
The referee in the US/Canada women’s soccer semifinal cheated for the US and gave them the win. It was pathetic. Look for the Obama photo op with the US gold medal winners, if they get past Japan.
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Hansen Lying About Drought
Contiguous U.S., Palmer Modified Drought Index (PMDI), July-June 1896-2012 Hansen claims that severe droughts are much more likely now due to global warming. There is no factual basis behind his claim. The worst droughts (by far) were during the … Continue reading
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