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Daily Archives: August 25, 2012
Wisconsin August Temperatures Plummeting
Raw USHCN data shows a two degree decline in Wisconsin August temperatures since 1930 Temperatures this August have been 2-5 degrees below normal. MonthTDeptMRCC.png (688×531)
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Why Aren’t They Talking About Greenland Any More?
Team climate moron flew into Greenland for two hours this summer, but for some reason they no longer seem interested. Weather Forecast Summit, Greenland | Summit Weather | Wunderground
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NYPD Shoots Nine Civilians
You can’t make this stuff up. In the initial chaos Friday, it wasn’t clear whether Johnson or the officers were responsible for the trail of wounded, but based on ballistic and other evidence, “it appears that all nine of the … Continue reading
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High Arctic Summers Have Been Colder Than Normal 12 Years In A Row
Every summer since the year 2000 has had below normal temperatures north of 80N. http://ocean.dmi.dk/arctic/meant80n.uk.php People forecasting an ice-free Arctic have no idea what they are talking about.
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Very Little Melt At The North Pole This Summer
Temperatures were below normal all summer north of 80N, and very little melting occurred. Small melt ponds appeared and the planted poles tipped a little bit. 18.jpg (1024×576)
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Neil Armstrong Dead
A sad day for humanity. Neil was the first person (and one of the last) to set foot on another world. First man on moon Neil Armstrong dead at 82, family says | Reuters
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Climate Alarmists Adopt Young Earth Creationism
Twitter / climatebrad: As RNC climate deniers party, … According to Dr. Walt Meier at NSIDC, the Arctic was completely free of ice sometime between 5,000 and 15,000 years ago. Apparently Brad Johnson believes that human history is less than … Continue reading
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Shock News : North Pole Ice Just As Thick As It Was In 1940
23 Feb 1940 – THE NORTH POLE. Is it Getting Warmer. | BUNDABER… The ice at the north pole was two metres thick in 1940. It is still two metres thick.
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Putting Mindless Arctic Hysteria In Perspective
A winter storm broke up the ice in the Chukchi Sea at the beginning of the month and dragged warm water to the surface. As you can see from the animation above, not much else happened this month. What does an early … Continue reading
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Torres Tearing It Up At Chelsea
Abramovich’s £25 million is paying off.
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