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Daily Archives: August 29, 2012
Floods Getting Worse
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_oHYCC46fGA] http://news.google.com/newspapers [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a9k80YezvWI]
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Cow Farts Worse Than Cars
29 November 2006, Rome – Which causes more greenhouse gas emissions, rearing cattle or driving cars? Surprise! According to a new report published by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, the livestock sector generates more greenhouse gas emissions as measured … Continue reading
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Hurricanes Getting Deadlier
112 years ago this week, a hurricane formed in the Atlantic which later killed at least 8,000 people in Texas, and destroyed Galveston. Experts tell us that hurricanes are becoming more intense due to livestock farts.
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Shock News For Alarmists : The Earth Is Not Flat
Alarmists, like their 15th century witch burning ancestors, believe that the earth is flat. When they look at Arctic ice maps, they believe that the ocean surface is flat, and that Arctic ice is going to drop off the edge … Continue reading
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More Bad News For Alarmists : Drought To End
Triple whammy for alarmists. Isaac didn’t destroy Tampa or New Orleans, and now it is going to end the drought in the corn belt. They are always hoping for human suffering, but nature just isn’t cooperating. 10-Day Precipitation Outlook for the Conterminous … Continue reading
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Scientist Shock News : Arctic To Be Ice Free Next Year
It is melting so fast that scientists now believe the Arctic could have no ice in the summertime as early as 2013 www.350.org/sites/all/files/science-factsheet-updated2011.pdf Another possibility is that climate science will be integrity-free by 2013.
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The Original White House Osama Lie
There was a large shootout. The residents at the compound resisted. Usama Bin Laden Killed in Firefight With U.S. Special Ops Team in Pakistan | Fox News Translation. They shot Osama in the head on sight, and he was unarmed. … Continue reading
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2012 Nothing Like 2007
In 2007, sea surface temperatures were far above normal in the Chukchi Sea. This year they are far below normal, which means that ice will form quickly. Most of the 2007 ice loss occurred during the following winter, when a lot of MYI … Continue reading
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Excess Sea Ice Making Polar Bears Fat And Lazy
Arctic Sea Ice Hits Record Low—Extreme Weather to Come? A large chunk of multi-year ice is much closer to Siberia than normal this year, allowing Polar Bears to feast on Coca Cola marketing executives.
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Dems Adopt Their Platform : Lies, Superstition And Denial
The Democrats have a lot of things going for them They have a press corps(e) who is happy to cheat and lie for them They are completely unbounded by any need for veracity They control the school systems and have … Continue reading
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