200-300% of normal precipitation earns Georgia the exceptional drought prize from the climate buffoons in Washington.
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This just shows what lengths these people will go to in order to promote the AGW agenda, this
This is very sad to see this, even when observations clearly show their is no significant drought, they still insist that it is occurring. (sorry, accidentally hit “post comment’ on the first one)
why arent the people who live there speaking out?
yeah ok some want to claim govvy assist for drought, but…surely some would be speaking up?
No doubt there are people talking about this in Georgia . But with the main stream news media only reporting the tale that the main stream media wants to tell , you will not hear much about it . That is the reason the newspaper industry is dieing as the people that actually work for a living and who used to purchase newspapers have discovered that we are being lied to . The same is happening now with television as more and more people are turning off the tv because of the bias shown by the major networks . The only ones glued to the tv now are the idiots that have no life of their own . The problem is that there are vast numbers that fall into the idiot category . Here we have a big and wonderful world outside and many people seem to lack the drive or will to participate in it.
I don’t know if Weather Underground’s totals can be trusted, but they report only 22 inches of rain for Atlanta for the year. That would seem to indicate a severe drought there. – http://bit.ly/O5OXAs
On average they get over 30 inches by this time of year.
You still don’t grasp the concept of droughtflood. Only highly sophisticated minds like Hayhoe and Hansen can conceptualize exceptional drought and exceptional floods at the same time (sarc). It only takes place when the planet is in a death spiral.