Another Massacre In A Gun Free Zone

Seven people were shot and killed today at a Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wis., in what officials are treating as a case of domestic terrorism.

Though police have not given any details on the identity or motive of the shooter, or released the identities of the victims, sources have told ABC News the shootings are the work of a “white supremacist” or “skinhead.”

7 Dead at Sikh Temple in Oak Creek, Wis.; Officials Believe ‘White Supremacist’ Behind ‘Domestic Terrorism’ – ABC News

Fortunately, the police showed up quickly and killed this particular scumbag.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to Another Massacre In A Gun Free Zone

  1. johnmcguire says:

    Interesting times , while indeed some innocent people were cold bloodedly murdered there are apparently already discrepencies in the description of what happened. I wonder how many people will ever know the whole truth? I just watched a clip with a guy describing that there were four men involved in carrying out the attrocity. Is the clip true? The guy doing the talking was both the race and had the accent of the majority of the followers of that religion. I’m curious , did any of you there in colorado know any of the people involved in the affair at the theatre with the holmes perp. There were conflicting reports in that instance also. It has reached the point in this world that I question everything. Say Steven , You put up with that nut wot for quite awhile . You have some patience .

    • I realized that he is completely irrational and no amount of logic would ever get through his thick skull.

      The last straw was his belief that a few words of local interest added by the Kenyan editor, made the story a “hoax.”

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