Anticipation Is Building For The Greenland Labor Day Golf Classic

The ground crews have been working day and night to hold back the meltdown floods at -19C


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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One Response to Anticipation Is Building For The Greenland Labor Day Golf Classic

  1. Sundance says:

    I would like to offer some golf tips to those who may have not played golf in such conditions. Steal the streamers from your kids bike or a neighbors kids bike. Drill a small hole into your golf ball and use epoxy and a screw to attach the streamer to your golf ball. It should look something like this.

    I can attest to this design from experience when playing golf in the snow. There is a trade off on distance but you gain strokes by not losing your ball because the streamer stays above the snow and is easy to locate. 🙂

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