CO2 Bubble Abandons The Midwest

A giant CO2 bubble has been sitting over the midwest and fueling a phenomenal barrage of spectacular climate lies  from James Hansen and other IPCC members in recent weeks, but the bubble is dissipating – leaving only unseasonably cool weather later in the week.

10-Day Temperature Outlook for the Conterminous U.S.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to CO2 Bubble Abandons The Midwest

  1. johnmcguire says:

    I hope they get some good rain . Maybe with some moisture they can still pull a bit of a crop .

  2. Brian G Valentine says:

    I thought everybody knew that CO2 causes rain. Like the floods in Bangladesh and Brisbane.

  3. Andy DC says:

    Low 40’s this morning in Wisconsin. Seriously doubt 1936 had any such temperatures.

  4. Shooter says:

    Feelin’ the cool here in Ontario.

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