Hansen : Taxing This Vehicle Could Have Prevented The 1934 Drought

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Hansen : Taxing This Vehicle Could Have Prevented The 1934 Drought

  1. Eric Webb says:

    Yeah, just like Obama;s belief that taxing the rich can prevent economic crisis. /sarc

  2. Marian says:


    And taxing the horse and cart could have stopped earlier droughts and heatwaves. All that GW horsesh**. 🙂

  3. I don’t know what’s worse, James Hansen or the people that believe him.

  4. ozspeaksup says:

    no, really, taxing carbon works..
    aus has had some of THE coldest records broken in decades..
    and it Must be???? due to juLIAR saving us by taxing us really…surely
    or then it could be just natural??
    our brainless leader wouldnt lie to us..
    she Would!

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