If A Satellite Can’t Find A 500 Mile Region Of Closely Packed Ice Floes, Does That Mean That The Bears Are Going To Drown?

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to If A Satellite Can’t Find A 500 Mile Region Of Closely Packed Ice Floes, Does That Mean That The Bears Are Going To Drown?

  1. omnologos says:

    Only the “smart” bears who read about their ice floes on the ‘net

  2. suyts says:

    Hey Steve, did you catch this story? Team Obama intervened in a refinery closing in Philly. They went and found the Carlyle group….a private-equity firm!!! to step in and invest in it for a share of the ownership! But, only after the administration signed off on loosening EPA restrictions!!! They did this because its the biggest refinery on the east coast and if it closed they were looking at $5/gal gas on election day and the jobs were in Penn. Its in the WSJ but people can get around that by going through Google News.


  3. Andy DC says:

    Hansen can adjust polar bear populations as well as temperatures. What an amazing man!

  4. ozspeaksup says:

    someone better send the bears a tablet thingy with an ice version of sat nav?

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