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- arn on Grok Defending Climategate
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- conrad ziefle on It Is Big Oil’s Fault
- Denis Rushworth on It Is Big Oil’s Fault
Provisional results but lowest ever on JAXA for ice extent.
The world is doomed
Your wallet is doomed, pay that bloke you had a bet with 🙂
Mind you I do wonder why it is dropping so much at the moment, it should be levelling off. Let’s hope their sensor has not some issue eh? That has happened in the past.
The did go from their old sensor that failed to this less accurate one after all. Now that is not consistent ( in reference to your other blog post below).
The world is doomed all is lost.
This is why you don’t wear white after Labor Day…
Looks like -30c for central Greenland by Tuesday,
Thinking of visiting? Wear a woolly jumper.
Is it me or is it always 50 shades of grey up there in Greenland, fnaar fnaar.
I swear I read in my local paper that THIS weekend was Labor Day weekend.
Now I am really confused :), cus my calendars say different.
First weekend in September. I think your local paper is getting ahead of them selves.