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My Name Is Barack Hussein Obama, And I Approved This Crotch Salute
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What’s really of note is America is so asleep they actually elected him President.
He obviously thought he had better things to do than participate with the Americans in the picture, and in the audience.
He does have one serious case of egomania.
This picture makes perfect sense. He’s not one of us. His formative years were spent in Indonesia, not here playing baseball, tag and cowboys and indians.
Well, to be fair, his formative years were also at the knee of an angry Communist Black Panther. That took place in America, but it does not make him any more American in outlook.
After this picture and the subsequent uproar, Obama changed his behavior, but not (evidently) his thinking.
===|==============/ Keith DeHavelle
Reblogged this on Climate Ponderings.
Good Lord. The depth of intentional stupidity and ludicrous commentary on this site is going to chase me straight out of the Republican Party. It makes me embarrassed to be thought of as conservative (as I am thought of by friends, relatives, and co-workers) to be categorized with those who promulgate commentary exhibiting this unbelievably low level of intelligence and insight.
There are any number of pictures available, videos available, etc. on the web (Google is your friend) of Obama reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, standing with his hand over his heart as he does so, singing the National Anthem, etc. You folks simply must get a grip and a life. Do I agree with his policies? In the majority of cases, no. Do I think he’s a socialist/communist/Muslim bent on destroying the United States or subjecting it to Sharia law? No, on the contrary, I’m sane.
On the other hand, we have the Republicans, my party, nominating an empty suit who then chooses an alleged policy wonk who can’t add but is more than willing to peddle bulls**t for his VP nominee. Amazing. But Morano loves him, so I guess Ryan’s got that going for him. You’d think an honest person capable of critical thought could be found in the GOP (Huntsman was the last gasp) but, no soap.
Party on – you’re all doing the opposite of helping.
Nice. A classic pretend Republican plant comment.
Ha. Hardly. I’m not only a Republican, but a California Republican, pretty much an endangered species. But I do stop by here at “Real Science” occasionally because it’s fun to take in the antics of the loony bin denizens on occasion. Sometimes, though, it’s too horrifying even for entertainment value.
That picture of Obama is disgusting and California seems to have corroded your mind.
There is vast amounts of useful information here and you show up acting like an arrogant mentally deficient jackass.
You left out “concerned” & “Christian”. I mean, if you’re going to moby, you should moby all the way, from your first cigarette to your last dying day.
Gosh Stark, you might at least learn to use the word correctly. I would have suspected I’d be accused of being a tone troll but, on a site such as this which is good for sardonic amusement only, tone trollery (or mobying) would be a wast of time and bandwidth.
Quoting the all-knowing pseudonymous Steven Goddard, “just having fun.”
You are a fake.
I am a Jet (fan) though. Proud member of Gang Green.
Haha, “tone troll” must have gone to Dr. Phil’s Skool of Science Stuff. Lay us on some cool knowledge, moby.
Ya got that right Stark!
The GOP supporters aren’t interested in reality. The ones on this site aren’t interested in reality. They are clearly more interested in fantasy. SG is a birther for crying out loud.
As an aside, I’m intrigued that you describe Ryan as a person who “can’t add.” Your disdain for the Tea Party is not well founded, I think — and there are lots of conservatives in southern California (including me) that support them.
If you remember the circumstances of this picture, and conversations surrounding it, Obama had been making a point of not wearing a flag pin and not saluting, citing a desire to avoid giving the wrong message. (What the “correct” message might have been in his mind was open for interpretation.)
At the time (early 2008), Obama noted that “I decided I won’t wear that pin on my chest. Instead I’m going to try to tell the American people what I believe what will make this country great and hopefully that will be a testimony to my patriotism.”
My own thought: Now that we’ve seen what he had in mind (after telling the American people something rather different), the flag pin is a small issue but was a useful channel marker to the danger ahead.
He did change his mind about honoring America at the suggestion of campaign advisors. He began saluting at appropriate times and wearing the flag pin (intermittently, but at least he was not actively avoiding it): From Time Magazine:
However, the more recent claim of him doing this so-called “crotch salute” during the National Anthem seems incorrect. At the time that picture was taken, the band was apparently playing “Hail to the Chief” instead, and it would not have been appropriate for him to salute himself.
He has quite enough self-reference in his speeches to make up for that missed opportunity, in my opinion.
===|==============/ Keith DeHavelle
When jock itch flares up, where it itches you need to scratch! I had a professor at Penn State that used to scratch his balls every day in front of class.