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- conrad ziefle on It Is Big Oil’s Fault
- Denis Rushworth on It Is Big Oil’s Fault
Hey, I remember that video and how the MSM played it day after day for a month!…NOT!
So why isn’t the Romney campaign playing it? They could knock Obama off the map in Pennsylvania and Ohio if they knew about it.
Steve, that’s a great question. It’s been bothering me for some time. Why doesn’t Romney have one of his team members run through these blogs on a daily basis? The blogs have been supplying the responses for months. It takes team Romney days and up to weeks to come up with the responses and talking points provided on the blogs.
When team Obama says something patently absurd….. which is about every day, somewhere a blog instantly has the appropriate response. It’s likely that many have already blogged about the absurdity. But, the answer languishes in relative obscurity while the LSM makes hay with the absurdity. Just like this video which thousands of us are aware of, and it isn’t being used.
My concern is that key members of McCain’s staff were probably Democratic Party plants. When Palin came on board and they jumped five points ahead, McCain’s people did everything they could to sabotage her. No one who wanted to win an election could have been as incompetent as McCain’s people were.
Hopefully Romney’s campaign isn’t full of stoolies too.
Agreed. Clearly, though, there are some in Romney’s camp that are either clueless as to how to advise Romney or they’re so comfortable in losing that they don’t know how to aggressively respond to the absurdities.
Energy policy resonates with the American people. And, there isn’t a part of Obama’s energy policy which the climate blogs haven’t covered. Speaking of energy policy, I just got done writing about a paper which demonstrates the U.S. is poised to be a main oil supplier, along with Canada, if we can get the govt. and lunatic alarmists out of the way….. http://suyts.wordpress.com/2012/08/11/timing-is-everything-and-the-choice-is-ours-to-make-the-new-big-oil/#comment-21031
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