Obama The Victim
- Obama didn’t know that his long time spiritual mentor and inspiration for his book was an America hating racist
- Obama didn’t know that his literary agent promoted him for 17 years as being born in Kenya
- Obama didn’t know that the guy who launched his political career was a terrorist
- Obama didn’t know that he had never seen his birth certificate
- Obama didn’t know that he wasn’t a member of the Senate Banking Committee
- Obama didn’t know that he promised to bankrupt the coal industry
- Obama didn’t know that he promised to balance the budget
- Obama didn’t know that he was a socialist
- Obama didn’t know that his billions of green energy money was actually campaign contribution payola
- Obama didn’t know that his stimulus package was a joke

- Obama didn’t know that his whole “Hope And Change” theme was complete bullshit, and that he would turn to the dark side for his next election.
About Tony Heller
Just having fun
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He also doesn’t seem to know yet that he’s a one-termer…that’s going to hurt.
Did you ever see the Dana Carvey SNL routine with George Bush Sr saying “I am a Jimmy Carter?”
No, I had started to move away from SNL by that time. Carvey did a great job with Bush Sr. though.
Reblogged this on Climate Ponderings.
Obama didn’t know that green energy $billions going to party cronies.
Me guesses the Obami green tube Vid went into your spam, Steven?
This nails it well, and deserves to be widely published by the mainstream media (but it won’t be, of course).
Add this one to it:
Obama didn’t know that his whole “Yes We Can” meme was stolen from Bob the Builder.
Credit: Hoodat @ FreeRepublic
I posted your list there with credit reference to this link Steve……ergo, the response to add to the list.